Hello All .
i'm Glade to announce the release of Quotes Plugin .
this plugin will allow you to ofer your client a quote/estimates about services , then the client can decide to accept or reject the quote , once accepted an invoice is generated .
The Plugin Can :
- Admins can add/edit/delete/close/re-open Quotes .
- Clients can view/download assigned Quote.
- Cleints can accept or reject the Quote .
- Auto convertion of accepted Quote to invoice .
- TAX support .
- search in quote subjects .
- Support PSR standard and latest blesta version (4.3.2)
- Ajax Lest Side Tabs
- Own Template Engine for PDF with support of latest TCPDF version
- Watermark for Accepted Or Rejected Quote
- Plugin Manage options to set logo, background, font, days validity, terms ...
- Widget Client Profile for staff
TODO list :
- Clients can receive the quote via email as PDF .
- Comments both for client and staff under the qoute (threaded reply/conversation).
- Devide Quote in two invoice after accept (first for prepayment ,and second after final work)
- Create Quote for non clients , they can view it with a unique url .
- Store Invoice ID related to the quote in the quotes table .
- Store Client info in the quotes for history .
this plugin requiere the Pro (Silver) subscription .
Order Link
Plugin Page
as always the installtion steps is :
1 - download the file from client area .
2 - upload the qoutes folder inside plugin directory .
3 - goto plugins , and install Quotes .
4 - enjoy the free content .
NOTE: the quote link is added under billing tab .