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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/2017 in all areas

  1. Paul

    Two WHMCS -> One Blesta

    When you attempt another import, and you doing it on a restored/fresh Blesta database? You won't be able to re-attempt an import if it fails. I ask because of duplicate key errors, though it may be unrelated. You could import data manually, any relationships between tables should be pretty obvious but if you have any questions let us know!
    2 points
  2. Basically I've been in business for a year now (woop go me) and wondering what accounting software people use and if any work best with blesta. my payments for sevices come in via many different forms either cash PayPal or Braintree (first £50k fee free!) and I'm doing my accounting myself. I live in U.K. So anything more biased to U.K. Preferably also does anyone have some good export / reporting scripts for blesta
    1 point
  3. Paul

    Advandz Framework

    Interesting thread. Sounds like it's sorted. I'll add though, the minPHP framework is not exclusively used for Blesta, and when we update it we take that into consideration. minPHP is used for many different projects, and the goal of minPHP is to keep it minimal. A fork of minPHP with significant changes/improvements is welcomed so long as it doesn't contain any code from Blesta that is not released under MIT.
    1 point
  4. Paul

    Two WHMCS -> One Blesta

    WHMCS doesn't do much in the way of enforcing data integrity, so the issue is likely to do with that. Blesta expects data where it doesn't exist, or there is data in WHMCS that should be unique that isn't. Works great for some, and not for others. New sign ups, and migrating accounts later could work if there's not too many. You could look to see what client has a key of 90 in Blesta after the import, and determine which client it was trying to import next, and compare with your WHMCS database. It's possible if you remove that client the import may get further or complete.
    1 point
  5. There is currently no option for this. You can prorate all services to a specific day of the month, but not based on the date of initial order on a per-client basis. I can definitely see the need for this though, and it'd probably make a good feature request.
    1 point
  6. Yes, Thanks for suggestion. I will start working on it as soon as possible. Do you wish to give any suggestion on VPS tutorial?
    1 point
  7. Mujahed

    Advandz Framework

    That's alright, in the open source world it is normal for someone to fork an open source project and build on top of it or modify it (MySQL & MariaDB, OwnCloud & NextCloud) , however, when you use a code that is written by others, you must keep the copyrights/license of the original developer and not change it to your own, and only put your own copyrights/license to the files/code you wrote , e.g: - NextCloud which is a fork of OwnCloud,(server/apps/dav/lib/CalDAV/Plugin.php) : https://github.com/nextcloud/server/blob/6a75296ccbd37d11f88f1e69cfe4063a802c438c/apps/dav/lib/CalDAV/Plugin.php - OwnCloud's File (core/apps/dav/lib/CalDAV/Plugin.php): https://github.com/owncloud/core/blob/master/apps/dav/lib/CalDAV/Plugin.php
    1 point
  8. Mujahed

    Advandz Framework

    What's the difference between it and the minPHP? ... frankly, doesn't look like there is much ..... And the "Advandz-Framework/src/components/download/download.php" component looks exactly like the one that is shipped with Blesta, obviously, this component isn't shipped with the minPHP framework, so its not "Open Source" and its copyrighted, so you cannot re-use it without a permission: https://github.com/Advandz/Advandz-Framework/blob/master/src/components/download/download.php https://github.com/phillipsdata/minphp/tree/master/src/components In general, its just the minPHP framework, with download (which you copied from Blesta), http, hashing, and orm components (did you copy these from somewhere else ?!), which is not enough to make it a different framework. Also the components/files ...etc you took from minPHP, the comments on the top of these files, you shouldn't replace them with your own copyrights !!!!!: https://github.com/Advandz/Advandz-Framework/blob/master/src/components/session/session.php https://github.com/phillipsdata/minphp/blob/master/src/components/session/session.php Yeah, a lot of "copying" work !!!!!!!!
    1 point
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