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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/2016 in all areas

  1. Seo Tools & Sitemap Generator For Blesta this plugin is the unique all in one seo tools for blesta, is add seo tags and custom tags to your website without touch or hack any core file . all you need is configuring the plugin for the first time , and sleep . with this plugin you can: 1 - Set different meta tags as you want , and insert the most important meta tags to your blesta . 2 - Generate a fully compatible sitemap and ping the search engine about the new sitemap , the plugin has a cronjob to do this task every day for you. 3 - create a fully compatible robot.txt to disallow crawling for no necessary directories . 4 - option to edit robot.txt and .htaccess from admin side, without entering in ftp mode . 5 - log all the spiders that crawling your website, and check wish spiders are crawling your blesta site . 6 - log all incoming keyword search, and see what users are searching for in search engine. 7 - add google analytics code in your blesta without changing the template files. 8 - add social tags for Facebook and twitter in your blesta pages. 9 - set permission who can manage the plugin . 10 - Email report about every sitemap generated with summary sections and urls archived . and so many other awesome features that you should discover it your self . Robots & Meta Configuration Set the meta tags you want, and set Facebook Open Graph, Twitter Card, Google Analytics, and select the page you want to exclude this tags . Sitemap Generation Configuration Generate Sitemap , Set to compress sitemap with gz, set ping search engines, and set to make urls with https . robots.txt & .htaccess file edit and save robot.txt and .htaccess Spiders Logs check spiders activities and option to delete 1 item or empty the full logs . Incoming Search Keywords check incoming search keyword to your website , and option to delete 1 item or empty the full logs . That not all , if you have a custom plugin that generate pages and want to include that page in the site map is very easy , all you need to do is create a simple file inside the model directory called "your_plugin_sitemap.php" , the Seo tools will detect it and add your url to the site map . a sample code should be like : <?php class YourPluginSitemap extends SeoToolsModel { /** * Initialize */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } /** * Base Urls * */ public function generateSiteMap($sitemap = null) { if (!$sitemap) { return; } // Load your Model to fetch pages from database Loader::loadModels($this, ["YourPlugin.YourPluginModel"]); // create base urls map $sitemap->page('your_plugin', 'My Own Plugin'); // Get links from your databse $links = $this->YourPluginModel->getLinks(); foreach($links as $link) { // Add url to sitemap $sitemap->url( $link->url, // page link , that can be a fullurl to page 'now', // last modification time , optional 'weekly', // How frequently the page is likely to change , this is optional .6 // The priority of this URL relative to other URLs on your site, optional ); } unset($links); } } another simple code for static custom urls <?php class YourPluginSitemap extends SeoToolsModel { /** * Initialize */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } /** * Base Urls * */ public function generateSiteMap($sitemap = null) { if (!$sitemap) { return; } // create base urls map $links = $this->myLinks(); $sitemap->page('my_links', 'Custom urls'); foreach($links as $link) { $sitemap->url( $link['loc'], $link['lastmod'], $link['changefreq'], $link['priority'] ); } unset($links); } private myLinks() { return [ [ 'loc' => "my_custom_page.html", // page without a clint route 'lastmod' => date('c'), 'changefreq' => "weekly", 'priority' => .5 ], [ 'loc' => Configure::get("Route.client") . DS . "simple_page.php", // php page with blesta client route 'lastmod' => date('c'), 'changefreq' => "monthly", 'priority' => .5 ], [ 'loc' => Configure::get("Route.client") . DS . "second_custom_page.html", // html page with blesta client route 'lastmod' => date('c'), 'changefreq' => "monthly", 'priority' => .5 ], ]; } } if you want to create your own sitemap file, we can help you . at the moment, the sitemap generated include : 1 - the base url , login/reset password page . 2 - CMS page , if installed 3 - Support departments that are public visibility , if installed 4 - Knowledge Base Categories, articles with multiple languages if available , if installed 5 - Download Manager categories and files if they are public visibility, if installed 6 - Order Forms that are public visibility , if installed Compatibility the plugin is fully compatible with blesta v3, v4 . Order this plugin requiere a the Pro (Silver) subscription . Order Link Best Regards
    2 points
  2. Screenshoots Meta Settings Robot.txt & .htaccess Sitemap Settings Spiders Logs Keywords Logs CronJob
    2 points
  3. I not know InterWorx the only can answer you is Licensecart he is expert in this field. The problem you have installed php from epel and remi and the normal install you install PHP for the OS version you need active remi repo Try this yum-config-manager --enable remi-php56 yum update yum install php-mysql php-devel php-gd php-pecl-memcache php-pspell php-snmp php-xmlrpc php-xml php-mcrypt php-imap php-mailparse or yum --enablerepo=remi install php-mysql php-devel php-gd php-pecl-memcache php-pspell php-snmp php-xmlrpc php-xml php-mcrypt php-imap php-mailparse
    1 point
  4. So... I just wanted to post an update: It appears that the Namecheap module works just fine on Blesta 4.0... It still won't work on Blesta 3.6.2. Interesting difference... I'm not sure exactly what's different here, though. Edit: I suspect I know what the issue is... it's likely IPv6 related. Edit2: Yup, it was IPv6.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. For free is difficult to find a dev doing that. But if tou will to sponsor the work, exist a great devs in this forum.
    1 point
  7. is working fine and we still used them in our other website . https://www.naja7host.com/en/ what error you receive ?!!
    1 point
  8. Probably at the end of January.
    1 point
  9. Michael

    Onapp Module

    I was wondering if there would be a module for OnApp in the future, loads of people have been asking OnApp for it, I think it might help expand the clientbase myself. https://twitter.com/ditlev/status/415205994739015680
    1 point
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