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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/2016 in all areas

  1. With api you can access all models exist in blesta . So praticly you can access any method exist in blesta ... The wonderfull here is you can create a pligin that has your own functions and call them via API .
    2 points
  2. Hello ALL . today , i will release freely a plugin that a must have for every blesta developer , is The Debugger. this plugin will let you debug any error with the Wonderful libraries Tracy and Kint . i suggest using Tracy. if you enable Kint you will get more debug info and trace, BUT YOU CANT disable it or Access the blesta website until you disable the trace from the file /vendors/kint_autoload.php . DO NOT USE THIS PLUGIN OR INSTALL IT IN ANY PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT , OR USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK . the plugin is hosted in open source , so any bug fix or pull request are welcome . http://blesta-addons.com/plugin/store/main/item/16/ Debugging with Tracy : Trace bar Debugging with Kint : Enjoy the life and Coding .
    1 point
  3. 10RUPTiV

    Global custom field

    Hey guys @ Blesta Are you able in the v4 to add the "Global custom field", a while ago in v3. I made a custom plugin for that issue but it will be way better to have that directly in the core... I have no problem to give you our plugin to help you
    1 point
  4. I think it would be a good idea to reverse those two. As much as we (and I'm sure other companies) like to sell new domain names and get customers to transfer from other providers, I think having the hosting signup portion at the beginning would be more logical and then ask them to select one of three options: 1) I'd like to register a new domain 2) I'd like to transfter my domain from another provider 3) I'll update my nameservers
    1 point
  5. Pretty sure someone could create an order template that does this now. It would break the mold a bit, but I believe it's possible. Most of the forms we looked at when we implemented this originally went from Domain > Hosting> Configure & Checkout. Reversing those first two would definitely be a good alternative and something we will consider.
    1 point
  6. Paul

    authorize.net ACH

    1 point
  7. Paul

    authorize.net ACH

    I am able to duplicate this, not exactly sure the cause yet. I'll create a task shortly.
    1 point
  8. Tyson

    edit invoice error

    Does the debugger have a setting to show warnings? That may be why it shows up. You may want to see if there is a way to disable that. The point of the code you referenced above is to fallback gracefully on failure so that you don't receive errors like the one you did.
    1 point
  9. 10RUPTiV

    Global custom field

    Instead of having a multi-select... why not using the same approch we did... having a Group called "Global" and create all custom field under this group. This way, don't need to change anything in the database...and like I said, we are using that since a while here and it's working fine everywhere!
    1 point
  10. All public model methods are available via the API, including those of extensions. There is a lot you can do, and I don't see any reason you couldn't build a separate application that interacts with the core and/or the order plugin for orders. You could even write your own order plugin, and disable the default one.
    1 point
  11. it would be nice and easy to add the ticket URL to the ticket new ticket received template .
    1 point
  12. Also name field for non user, so we can say hello "name" +1
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Have idea to create order form step for shared hosting? 1 Choose Hosting Plan 2. Domain Options (Use My Domain, Register, Transfer) 3. Configure & Checkout ? I hope sir @Paul can be implemented as a core blesta function
    1 point
  15. activa

    Auto Install On New Order

    Blesta addons is working in this addons they exept it will be ready with v4 final . But you can contact them directly if you want more info .
    1 point
  16. Paul

    ETA on v4 release?

    TCAdmin is not included in v4. It's a big one I want to get rolling on though, and we could release it between releases. The goal for the new year is to pick up the pace on core development with smaller, quicker releases, and also release new extensions between releases. There were a lot of issues with the minPHP bridge, including issues with PHP 7 among the bridge and 3rd party libraries we use. Most of those have been corrected in beta 4 with only a couple lingering PHP 7 issues remaining that we're aware of. If you're looking to help us get to a final release, please consider doing some extensive testing with the beta. The way things are looking right now, I think there will be 1 more beta, then final release. We're working hard to get that final beta out shortly.
    1 point
  17. Choose these 2 options under the 'manage' settings for the Paypal gateway and then your customers can setup a recurring subscription: Allow users to modify current and create new subscriptions One time and subscription payments when possible
    1 point
  18. is ok, for both is working , maybe is not the best solution , but is working : ) search if (!empty($post)) { $api->loadCommand("logicboxes_contacts"); $contacts = new LogicboxesContacts($api); foreach ($sections as $section) { $contact = array(); foreach ($post as $key => $value) { if (strpos($key, $section . "_") !== false && $value != "") $contact[str_replace($section . "_", "", $key)] = $value; } $response = $contacts->modify($contact); $this->processResponse($api, $response); if ($this->Input->errors()) break; } $vars = (object)$post; } change by if (!empty($post)) { $domain_info = $domains->details(['order-id' => $fields->{'order-id'}, 'options' => "OrderDetails"])->response(); $tld = $this->getTld($fields->{'domain-name'}, true); $contact_type = $this->getContactType($tld); foreach ($sections as $section) { $contact = []; foreach ($post as $key => $value) { if (strpos($key, $section . "_") !== false && $value != "") { $contact[str_replace($section . "_", "", $key)] = $value; } if (empty($contact["company"])) { $contact["company"] = "Not Applicable"; } if (empty($contact["zipcode"])) { $contact[$key] = "00000"; } $contact["customer-id"] = $domain_info->customerid; $contact["type"] = $contact_type ; } $contact_id = $this->createContact($package->module_row, $contact); $new_contact[$section] = $contact_id; } $customer_id = $this->getCustomerId($package->module_row, $client->email); $data = [ 'order-id' => $fields->{'order-id'}, 'reg-contact-id' => $new_contact["registrantcontact"], 'admin-contact-id' => $new_contact["admincontact"], 'tech-contact-id' => $new_contact["techcontact"], 'billing-contact-id' => $new_contact["billingcontact"] ]; // Request for Opt-Out of 60 day lock that is applied post Registrant Change $data['sixty-day-lock-optout'] = false; // Handle special assignment case for .AU $attr = []; $attr['skipIRTP'] = true; // Skip IRTP Process $data = array_merge($data, $this->createMap($attr)); $response = $domains->modifyContact($data); $this->processResponse($api, $response); $vars = (object)$post; }
    1 point
  19. evolvewh

    menu notification count

    I'm confused as to why you would post it here in relation to v4 Blesta when it's not a standard option for the core part of Blesta. It only relates to this 3rd party Plugin unless I'm missing something else here.
    1 point
  20. Paul

    menu notification count

    If you've tried the Support Manager Pro and it's not working as expected in v4, the author may be willing to update the plugin. They'll likely want to update it anyway, to make use of the new bootstrap buttons and font awesome icons used throughout the admin UI.
    1 point
  21. Michael

    menu notification count

    Third party features and support are best posted in their thread to prevent confusion, since I was wondering what it was myself as I don't use it and it helps the plugin developer know that it doesn't work on the next version.
    1 point
  22. I'm testing v4 and looks like the badge count is not working....
    1 point
  23. almost all of my public and custom plugins/modules are working in v4 without any issues . we want to use namespacing and new buttons in admin area to be fully designed like v4 are now .
    1 point
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