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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/2016 in all areas

  1. We are trying out a new application for better handling of Feature Requests. Please register at https://requests.blesta.com The system allows for better tracking of feature requests, and allows users to up vote them. It should allow us to better prioritize requests. Please create an account there and give it a try!
    4 points
  2. mrrsm

    minPHP Issue

    If you want to get the current version in master working as of 2016-11-28 against commit ed21031213e395cf38e902d8b4c2b2cbf072dc0c here is what you need to do. I would be happy to submit PR's to get the code in the repo working but the repo looks fairly dead to me. git clone https://github.com/phillipsdata/minphp.git Edit the composer.json file - "minphp/html": "dev-master", + "minphp/html": "~1.0", Download/Run composer install php composer.phar install Edit src/lib/language.php -use minphp\Language\Language as FrameworkLanguage; +use Minphp\Language\Language as FrameworkLanguage; That should get what is currently in the repo to work. (at least it did for me). I tested it by running a webserver out of the src directory via php locally on port 8000 cd src php -S localhost:8000
    2 points
  3. Hello All . THIS PLUGIN IS ONLY FOR THE CORE SUPPORT MANAGER IF YOU WANT TO THANK ME WITH A LITTE DONATION , you can do it with PAYPAL DONATION from here we bring free and exclusive content , this plugin extend the support manager plugin , will add a badge count of open tickets to admin and client side , and client widget support ticket in client dashboard . with the plugin, you can : - Add Badge Count for opened ticket in client and admin side . (this mod was inspired and cloned from our friend PauloV in his Support manager pro plugin ) - Add Widget for ticket in client dashboard .(this mod i have coded to achieve my request in this thread , and to make the link multilanguage , requested here ) TODO LIST : - Add setting to enable/disable the widget/badge . Some screenshoot : client badge client widget as always the installtion steps is : 1 - download the file our website 2 - upload the support_manager_addons folder inside plugin directory . 3 - goto plugins , and install Support Manager Addons . 4 - enjoy the free content . The Plugin require a free subscription (Access) . Best regards
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Hello, I found the answer to my post on this forum (should have done this before posting) and it worked!! Look in /config/blesta.php for.. Configure::set("Blesta.max_failed_login_attempts", 10); Change the value of 10 to 100. Then, change it back to 10 or a suitable number. Hope this helps others with a similar situation. Dave
    1 point
  6. yes , they are still in the TODO list .
    1 point
    1 point
  8. Blesta Addons

    minPHP Issue

    Sell , No Share , Yes
    1 point
  9. https://sixwishlist.com/status/ + UptimeRobot API
    1 point
  10. Wow! UptimeRobot is pretty sexy. I've had a StatusCake account for a while but toying with the idea of either setting up cachet (since I found it in this thread), writing something that hooks into our internal Nagios stuff (which won't tell me anything about networking issues between the DC and the real world) but this also looks like a pretty sweet alternative StatusCake does the job & has a decent API. I think they have a few network farts here and there though because I'm pretty sure not all of the downtime they notify me about is actually the real deal (but yes I did break our fancy homepage this week for about half an hour - no client services were affected). http://uptime.webmastery.com.au/ linked for a real life comparison of UptimeRobot/Cachet & StatusCake history pages.
    1 point
  11. I'm using uptimerobot to know my uptime. It can integrate with wordpress. http://status.pelajarhosting.com/
    1 point
  12. Yes, domain sync is necessary and would be handled by the plugin component.
    1 point
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