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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/2016 in all areas

  1. Just to be clear..it is not problem to select gateway with monthly fee but whole reason to do that is to avoid high transaction fees.Some companies have bunch of low amount transactions per month and they will probablly look for merchant gateway where they can opt in for monthly charges.But in this case merchant charge monthly and still transaction fee is very high.
    2 points
  2. Hello ALL . today , i will release freely a plugin that a must have for every blesta developer , is The Debugger. this plugin will let you debug any error with the Wonderful libraries Tracy and Kint . i suggest using Tracy. if you enable Kint you will get more debug info and trace, BUT YOU CANT disable it or Access the blesta website until you disable the trace from the file /vendors/kint_autoload.php . DO NOT USE THIS PLUGIN OR INSTALL IT IN ANY PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT , OR USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK . the plugin is hosted in open source , so any bug fix or pull request are welcome . http://blesta-addons.com/plugin/store/main/item/16/ Debugging with Tracy : Trace bar Debugging with Kint : Enjoy the life and Coding .
    1 point
  3. Michael

    Using Blesta v2.5

    Can you please open a live chat with us after logged into your account and I can provide you a license key
    1 point
  4. Sign up with EVO through our partnership, get a good rate, and use Authorize.net https://www.blesta.com/partners/
    1 point
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