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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/2016 in all areas

  1. Nelsa

    Google Analytics

    You can use CSS Java Toolbox plugin form Naja/Blesta Addons.... select just client template and it will exclude admin tpl ..I have do it at this way for few clients....after you plugin is installed just click on menage--->than "add custom html code"--->and than you'll have two options,first is to select between " All pages" or "admin tpl" or "client tpl " and as last step select "before the </body> tag". If you want exclude admin area select "client tpl/pages" ,your code will be placed at bottom of every page ...it is where i put <script></script> even if i do it manualy....
    3 points
  2. Get 50% Off in Logicboxes Extended and SolusVM Extended this Black Friday using "BLK50BLESTA", All the clients that buy a one-time license with this coupon will receive totally free the Unencoded Version and Access to the Alpha and Beta versions of the module. SolusVM Extended - $25/year or $100/one-time - Buy Now SolusVM Extended For Blesta lets your clients conveniently manage their virtual servers directly in your client area! Your customers will be able to reboot, shutdown or rebuild the servers as well as access various consoles, view usage graphs, set boot order and many more! LogicBoxes Extended - $25/year or $100/one-time - Buy Now LogicBoxes Extended For Blesta is a module created specially for LogicBoxes API to enable you to automate the provisioning and management of domains in your Blesta system. With its help you will be able to set up your TLDs & gTLDs with just a few clicks to start reselling them to your customers right away! Amazing updates of both modules coming soon, Buy now and get priority access to the updates.
    2 points
  3. Hello try this code . Open app/client_controller.php under parent::preAction(); add the fallowing code /*===================== Theme Switcher ========= */ if (!isset($this->Session)) { Loader::loadComponents($this, ["Session"]); } if (isset($_GET['switcher']) ) { $this->Session->write("blesta_theme", $_GET['switcher']); } if ($this->Session->read('blesta_theme')) { $theme = $this->Session->read('blesta_theme'); // Set the THEME $this->setDefaultView("client/". $theme); } /* =================== Theme Switcher ========= */
    2 points
  4. One solution is to check the option on the order form to manually review every order. Did you create the order on the front side or from the admin area?
    1 point
  5. INUMIO-Rob

    Google Analytics

    Neat! Thanks for those ideas. I added the analytics snippet to the .pdt markup, and all is well. Good to know the plugin exists, for future reference!
    1 point
  6. Wow, it works well with if (!isset($this->Session)) { Loader::loadComponents($this, ["Session"]); } Thank you sir naja7, this is very helpful to me, although it can not be on all pages.
    1 point
  7. Sorry for the problem with the main site, We are using a HTML dump from the Localhost because our CodeIgnitier Installation has been broken with the latest update of cPanel (I guess that is for EasyApache 4), And we are working in a totally new design using minPHP instead of CodeIgnitier.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Is that what you really see? LOL, looks kinda familiar. No, site looks normal, very blue
    1 point
  10. Blesta Addons

    Google Analytics

    i have forget this plugin with this plugin you can set any HTML css with your blesta without touching any core file .
    1 point
  11. In regards to hostname, this is something I've manually fixed before. Instead of removing the IP, I just added another field and changed a few outputs to use it and it can be referenced in emails as well. I borrowed a lot of the naming/logic from cPanel module. Here's a gist showing the changes made (replace + with / for filenames): https://gist.github.com/ctalkington/e72ecefaeb1cd3eec73905e411dba89c/
    1 point
  12. Paul

    Have I been Pwned?

    https://haveibeenpwned.com/ Just stumbled across this site, let's you enter your email or username and find out if your account details were leaked in any known breaches. Turns out my details were stolen from Adobe, LinkedIn, and vBulletin. Fun. Good idea to subscribe to notifications if your details show up in any new dumps, since not all companies notify their user bases.
    1 point
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