Get 50% Off in Logicboxes Extended and SolusVM Extended this Black Friday using "BLK50BLESTA", All the clients that buy a one-time license with this coupon will receive totally free the Unencoded Version and Access to the Alpha and Beta versions of the module.
SolusVM Extended - $25/year or $100/one-time - Buy Now
SolusVM Extended For Blesta lets your clients conveniently manage their virtual servers directly in your client area! Your customers will be able to reboot, shutdown or rebuild the servers as well as access various consoles, view usage graphs, set boot order and many more!
LogicBoxes Extended - $25/year or $100/one-time - Buy Now
LogicBoxes Extended For Blesta is a module created specially for LogicBoxes API to enable you to automate the provisioning and management of domains in your Blesta system. With its help you will be able to set up your TLDs & gTLDs with just a few clicks to start reselling them to your customers right away!
Amazing updates of both modules coming soon, Buy now and get priority access to the updates.