This plugin was is no longer update mode, As now the core support manager come with FAQ. But i recieved some request to update it . Maybe i will revive the project again but not yet .
First you need
Go to /config/blesta.php find the following line just at the bottom of the page:
Configure::set("Blesta.csrf_bypass", array());
and replace it with:
Configure::set("Blesta.csrf_bypass", array('client_login::index'));
Do you use a bootstrap to put modal login?
Thanks Jawanet! It works great!!! I hadn't looked at code options yet, having just scanned the admin settings area. This was an easy fix. I settled on 125% for a size that works for me.
#create_ticket textarea {
font-size: 125%;
It depends on your website, does your website have bootstrap? If it does then it would be responsive like it should be. Otherwise it will not and won't look good either which your link to the login page works fine.
The package information is sent with the welcome email you set in the packages, depending on the module you are using you can see these examples:
That has been already done as-well.
External ClientLogin Form With Csrf Tokens Enable
External Login
CustomLogin Integration From Your Own Site. No. (Data-Toggle="modal")
Whats with the the COLOURED text All over the Place, does it make you read it or does it annoy YOU because there is NO need to do so?
Ok so the only reason I can see you having an issue is you aren't entering a "value". See this video:
So from my experience and testing on B3 is that it works as it does in v3.0.0.
1) - Everything is ( and has been ) outside the "public_html" folder
2) - I manually created the " uploads " folder with a 777 permission ?
3) - I then drag and dropped the " 1/support_manager_files " folders, and gave them 777 permissions inside the " uploads " folder
I then wen to...
The path format is within the following the text fields are ...
Root Web Directory:
Temp Directory :
Uploads Directory