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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2016 in all areas

  1. JNdev

    Cron Log

    Advanced cron log is good for dev +1
    2 points
  2. Hello All . we bring exclusive content , this time is the Announcement plugin . A very clean and simple Announcement plugin for Blesta , allows you to post announcements , and make them , Publicly for all or based on clients groups and service's packages. the plugin can : add/edit/delete Announcement. List All Announcements Restriced Announcement based on client Group And packages . Show widget announcement in client side . Option to enable/disable widget in client side. Setting to show announcement in full or mixed views. Set how much announcement should be displayed in widget client TODO LIST : - show widget announcement in client side . Done - option to enable/disable widget in client side Done - set how much announcement should be displayed in widget client Done - allow share buttons or announcement - allow client to ignore announcement message . - hide announcement in widget after X days . - Add RSS announcements (just the public announcements) - add setting to show announcement in full or mixed views Done Some screenshoot : Admin Side : Client Side : client widget : This Plugin is tested in our test server , no bugs at the moment , in this weekend we will add support for client widget . as always the installtion steps is : 1 - download the file http://blesta-addons.com/plugin/store/main/item/22/ 2 - upload the announcements folder inside plugin directory . 3 - goto plugins , and install Announcements Plugin . 4 - enjoy the free content . If anyone wants to have it on their portal you can use this code: (thanks to @Licensecart) {% if plugins.announcements %}<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portal-box"> <a href="{client_url}plugin/announcements/client_main/"> <div class="well"> <i class="fa fa-info fa-4x"></i> <h4>Announcements</h4> <p>You can see all the latest news here.</p> </div> </a> </div>{% endif %} It will only show up if the module is installed. This plugin require Basic (Bronze) subscription
    1 point
  3. I modified the plugin for My company to make fully compatible with blesta 4.0, i will submit a pull request with My changes.
    1 point
  4. Hello timnboys, If your interested in develop Centova Cast v3 module for Blesta i am willing let you have access to one of my Control Panels so you can do the API calls check and test the module out. As i want this module and i think will be leg up for Blesta Regards, Michael.
    1 point
  5. Try this $packages = $this->ArrayHelper->numericToKey($this->Packages->getAll($this->company_id, array('name' => "ASC")), "id", "name");
    1 point
  6. Pull request has been merged . we will update the plugin to be fully compatible with v4 soon .
    1 point
  7. Blesta Addons

    Cron Log

    it would be totally a great feature to see a log for the cron , it will help admins to see exaclty what happen in background cron, and at what step or preccess the cron is stopped ....ect .
    1 point
  8. change renew date is already exist in the edit mode . for date added is not possible now with edit service , but is exist in my admin tools plugin that will be released after the final release of v4 .
    1 point
  9. I myself found an answer. Each options should be tick 'Client can add' to show on order form.
    1 point
  10. Wow I'm an idiot. Obviously my searching skills are not up to par tonight. Thanks Mike.
    1 point
  11. Looks like I'm in the clear after I removed the database entries... I'll give it a while longer, see if it encounters further issues before I call it good but your suggestion did the trick.
    1 point
  12. I have made a successful offer of 60.00 for the domain. Pm of details sent
    1 point
  13. Blesta version 4.0.0-b2 (BETA 2) is now available. You can download it from right here (Client Area Login Required). If you haven't seen the blog post announcement for 4.0.0 BETA 1, you can read it here. This is a BETA release. Beta releases are not considered stable enough for production use, and are UNSUPPORTED. DO NOT INSTALL IN A PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT. Please report any bugs you find in the v4 beta bug forum. Installing Blesta See Installing Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Upgrading Blesta See Upgrading Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Release Notes See Blesta Core - Version 4.0.0-b1 and b2. SEE BETA2 ONLY For older releases see all Change Logs. What to Test! 1. New The SSL Store Module and Plugin. Please test the module and plugin. The module allows you to automatically create a package for all of The SSL Store's SSL products. When doing this, please create a new Package Group first, and select this as the Packages will be placed in this group automatically. If you don't have an account with The SSL Store, create one here. 2. Void unpaid invoices when cancelling a service 3. Multicraft, which contains 2 fixes. Plus misc. other bugfixes from beta1. See the changelog. 4. Test everything! Version 4 is a major release.
    1 point
  14. The beta 2 distro was updated to build 107 from 105 because the build failed to encode the files. If you already downloaded beta 2, there's no need to re-download it, functionally it's the same. Also, I discovered an issue with package creation. We're working on a fix and I expect we will release either a hotfix or beta 3 next week.
    1 point
  15. Oh, be sure to run ~/admin/upgrade guys, there's database migrations that need to run.
    1 point
  16. Wooo cool slim chat service Never heard about that service, very cool finding naja7host For anyone that tink Blesta is not great comparing with WHMCS, just take a look on the FREE stuff that Blesta includes made by Blestars Devs for Blestars Useres I have to catch you up naja7host on the free stuff eheh I have to develop more lol Keep it up
    1 point
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