Hi, I have this theme in my computer about half year, this theme is of a cancelled project and I will not use the theme anymore, for this I will decided share the theme to the community, this can be useful for something.
This theme not will receive updates. If you want a customization you can send me a PM to get a quote.
See the edit I just made to my previous post, but essentially you could just throw that into your module's root directory, change some of the details to fit your module, add the "enverido/php" line to the "requires" section and you're pretty much good to go .
In the module files themselves (eg: "mymodule.php") make sure to make a "require_once" call to the autoload.php file that's generated by Composer. If you google a general tutorial on Composer I'm sure this'll be covered. But essentially you require_once the autoload.php file, and that file automatically includes all the libraries you installed using Composer.
Blesta doesn't currently ship with a composer.json file, we remove it when we do our builds. So, I think you'll be fine. We may include it in the future, as we maintain our own composer repository here - https://composer.blesta.com/
Composer will only install from the composer.json in the current working directory, so as far as I'm aware there shouldn't be any confusion between composer configurations for your modules and Blesta.
I'm not sure if there's a way for Blesta to automatically execute composer to install the module, or if you have to do it yourself manually. I know when I was doing it I just executed "composer install" after uploading the module files.
Are you trying to use the Enverido PHP library to license your module?
It works great now. Turns out I was missing an opening curly brace after require. Thanks everyone!
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "JaxSite",
"description": "Custom template for JaxSite integration.",
"authors": [
"name": "JaxSite",
"url": "http://www.jaxsite.com"
"require": {
"blesta": ">=3.2.0"
I suggest creating a new stylesheet called something like overrides.css, and include that in structure.pdt at the end. This way your custom styles overwrite the originals and your overrides.css file won't be overwritten on upgrade. (You'll just have to add back the include in structure)
For me stability is of the utmost importance, I couldn't care less when v4 is released. I have all of the features I currently need and have alternatives in place for those not provided by Blesta. They can take as long as they want, as long as they continue to patch any security issues in 3.6.2 and v4 is nice and stable upon final public release I'll be happy