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Hi, I have this theme in my computer about half year, this theme is of a cancelled project and I will not use the theme anymore, for this I will decided share the theme to the community, this can be useful for something. This theme not will receive updates. If you want a customization you can send me a PM to get a quote. cloud.zip4 points
OVH Server Manager
JNdev and 2 others reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
We have finished the rewrite of the module to use namespace and ready for v4 . soon it will be released .3 points -
Certain fields are encrypted automatically, but modules and plugins can define which fields to encrypt. Because search operations cannot be performed on encrypted data, we usually don't recommend encrypting all fields, but that's a decision the developer should make. This page should give you a basic understanding of what is encrypted in Blesta and how it's performed: https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Encryption2 points
Network Status And Schedule Maintenance
INUMIO-Rob and one other reacted to jbrooksuk for a topic
So here is an update on where Cachet is at! We're currently working on v2.4 which so far contains: Incident Updates You can now skip verifying of subscribers Improved setup Cleaned dashboard Stickied incidents Numerous bug fixes And there is still a lot more to come before the release: Improved design Scheduled maintenance will become a first-class citizen in Cachet, not bolted into incidents Much more...2 points -
Blesta and site maps
ariq01 and one other reacted to Blesta Addons for a question
Hello we have make a plugin called Seo Tools that ill boost seo and auto generates sitemaps and ping google and bing .2 points -
Current blesta to Version 4.0.0-b1
domaingood reacted to Paul for a topic
Yes, thanks for the update. I'm not sure I understand the OPs issue with services, that sounds unusual and we would need more details to be able to replicate that. Upgrading from 3.x to 4.0 should work pretty much exactly the same as before.. but yeah, don't forget to run ~/admin/upgrade, there's some important database changes in there.1 point -
1 point
I have no experience with MariaDB's data-at-rest encryption or AWS key management service (I assume that's related to db encryption?). Are there any special requirements? According to https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/data-at-rest-encryption/, it seems like the application would be responsible for setting encryption on the tables. If so, then it would be unsupported.1 point
1 point
1 point
Sorry @Tyson i not expert on blesta function, can you write little sample here to get data full name country ?1 point
@Paul hey look.. here is the patch. It was quite an annoying bug, so I patched it. Me not being a true developer though, so I'm not sure if this is a proper way how to compare a date --- /root/billing_overview_statistics.php 2016-10-13 17:16:04.000000000 +0200 +++ ./plugins/billing_overview/models/billing_overview_statistics.php 2016-10-13 17:35:21.000000000 +0200 @@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ innerJoin("client_groups", "client_groups.id", "=", "clients.client_group_id", false)-> where("client_groups.company_id", "=", $company_id)-> where("invoices.status", "in", array("active", "proforma"))-> + where("invoices.date_billed", "<", date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("now") ) )-> where("invoices.currency", "=", $currency)-> where("invoices.date_closed", "=", null)-> fetch(); @@ -262,4 +263,4 @@ numResults(); } } -?> \ No newline at end of file +?> billing_overview_statistics.patch1 point
We would LOVE to support Apple Pay with Blesta, but they don't have good support for mixing both Merchant and non-merchant payments. Additionally non-merchant payments are currently required to have a payment notification. Our only option is to require a plugin to be used in addition to the module and that's really not good practice :/1 point
ticket url in new ticket template email
Michael reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
for non registred users a unique url1 point -
Understandable, I was actually in the same boat when I first looked into Blesta and saw we had a module. Upon talks with our development I was informed we didn't build it, but was built by the team at Blesta. While the integration works, it wasn't something I was too pleased with as it was way behind our WHMCS module. Personally, I'd rather see a very unified experience all around for our offered integrations which really pushed me to get ur development team to overhaul the module so it's on par with our WHMCS module. After half a year of mentioning Blesta, our development team picked it up as a project and finished it around two months ago. The module is refined and up to speed with our WHMCS module (actually has a feature that WHMCS doesn't have at the moment, but I've been trying to get built for about a year now). If you've ever used our WHMCS module (or read the documentation) you'll find that the Blesta version is just as feature-packed with everything needed to properly sell SSL certificates to your clients. Our development team has also gifted the community with a nice additional benefit of our module, which is the fact that it is all open source. Together with the community, Blesta developers, and our developers, we'll all be able to contribute to the further development of the module.1 point
Current blesta to Version 4.0.0-b1
jobplease reacted to EidolonHost for a topic
I was able to successfully upgrade from a test 3.6.2 instance to a 4.0.0b1 instance. I had forgotten to complete the upgrade via admin/upgrade but even having not done that, it worked pretty nicely. Then I did the admin/upgrade when I checked out another thread that reminded me of its existence. Things seem to be A-OK here. But I'll try this with a copy of current-production data.1 point -
Its what I thought Blesta was going to do for SSLs but it seems it's just them (TheSSLStore) doing it it's where the client orders the SSL and then can set it up when they want to.1 point
If your modules gets updated and becomes a more solid experience I will be so happy. It isn't bad per-say now but it isn't that user friendly which usually means a bit more work from the admin side to get things done when a user can't figure it out on their own.1 point
good luck with that then as there is no way I am paying $100 min to get a domain.1 point
glad you have it done since it would take me a while to get it to that stage from scratch lol.1 point