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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/2016 in all areas

  1. Guys, easy to implement, but would help a lot of people: TWO digit year in invoice numbering -- eg. 16100986 -- {shortyear}{month}{day}{num} -- Settings > Company > Invoice Customization here is the patch (but use rather that attached one): --- ./invoices-old.php 2016-10-09 11:45:43.000000000 +0200 +++ ./app/models/invoices.php 2016-10-09 12:10:29.000000000 +0200 @@ -2383,8 +2383,8 @@ // Set the id format accordingly, also replace the {year} tag with the appropriate year, // the {month} tag with the appropriate month, and the {day} tag with the appropriate day // to ensure the id_value is calculated appropriately on a year-by-year basis - $tags = array("{year}", "{month}", "{day}"); - $replacements = array($this->Date->format("Y"), $this->Date->format("m"), $this->Date->format("d")); + $tags = array("{year}", "{shortyear}", "{month}", "{day}"); + $replacements = array($this->Date->format("Y"), $this->Date->format("y"), $this->Date->format("m"), $this->Date->format("d")); $vars['id_format'] = str_ireplace($tags, $replacements, $inv_format); // Creates subquery to calculate the next invoice ID value on the fly patch
    3 points
  2. More happy if @Licensecart have affiliate system hahaha
    2 points
  3. E-themeis a fully responsive HTML5/CS3 hosting template. This template is easy to edit with basic HTML experience and 100% fully integrated blesta original templates. E-theme easy to use, edit, customize. Based On PHP & Bootstrap 3. Free Installation Main features ★ Ultra Responsive ★ Html5 & Css3 ★ Blesta Theme Integrated ★ Top Menu ★ Mega Menu Standar ★ Mega Menu Advanced ★ Label Menu ★ SEO-Friendly Site URL Structure ★ Shortcode Hosting Features 50+ ★ Sticky Menu (Enable/Disable) ★ Includes FontAwesome Icon Fonts ★ Google Fonts ★ Parallax backgrounds Seo Setting ★ General Google Meta ★ Social Meta ★ Microdata & Semantic Html5 Editing features ★ Only 1 File To edit navigation ★ Only 1 File To edit footer You can easy add/edit menu from 1 file to every page. Blesta Integration You can easy add menu/footer from 1 file to every page blesta. Compatible with blesta 4 Minimum blesta 3.6 Blesta Update We update E-Theme For compatibilty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Price $20 onetime (Coupon blesta ) Buy Now | Main Web Demo Blesta Demo First you need to sign here Username: demo@jawanet.com Password: demouser After sign in, click here or paste this url https://blesta-dev.jawanet.com/client/main/?switcher=etheme-bootstrap ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $20 for first 15 order, after 15 price $30 How can i view update version? You can view update history on https://marketplace.blesta.com/#/extensions/42 What can i request feature? Yes contact us, free. Unlike Default Blesta Theme Color? Contact us and we create as you wish , free We also can integrate your web to blesta, for wp $30 | html site $15 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────── If you have any idea, feature request, questions and more info please don't hesitate to contact us hendra@jnhost.co.id Or submit ticket We are always happy to hear from you ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────── New version available 10-10-2016 V 1.0.1 Menu Improvement Unused Js removed on blesta template Unused Css removed on blesta template Add retina image Button Improvement Fix Mega Menu blesta client area New Features Modal Login with blesta ( Reference about csrf ) Add slider sample Mega Menu When admin visit portal
    1 point
  4. there some form of integrate blesta with wordpress ???
    1 point
  5. It sounds very interesting, Pm send mate
    1 point
  6. good luck with that then as there is no way I am paying $100 min to get a domain.
    1 point
  7. maybe it's not as necessary.. but I've seen that (that some people include CLIENTID in their invoices numbering).
    1 point
  8. There is a 'recurring invoice' feature where you can setup the number of times to charge again and the frequency. You can alter them after the invoice has been generated by editing the invoice but you would need to set it up so that the invoice isn't automatically emailed (you would manually do this after you've edited it).
    1 point
  9. I've just tried to grab the client ID and I failed lol.
    1 point
  10. it would be cool... I think this is quite an important stuff, especially under this stupid EU/CZ jurisdisction (we're from Prague, CZ). A lot of companies over here use also a CUSTOMER ID in their invoicing schemas.. so.. a lot of macros would be useful. The good thing imho is that it is soo easy to implement i Blesta.. Also -- this can be a game-changes for NEW customers moving over to Blesta -- they can CONTINUE with their numbering. And thats important especially under restrictive jurisdictions, such as atmost of EU countries. You got weird numbering scheme? Or you changed anything? Well... you could be tampering with somehing -> deep check of your accounting stuff
    1 point
  11. like this ? Ah i'm forget about that. Thanks mike !
    1 point
  12. Because the product you ordered is on a "Manual Activation" order form.
    1 point
  13. You've got Manual activation on. Go to Billing > Orders widget and click accept.
    1 point
  14. That is so cool I've added this to mine now you've shown me how to do it. $tags = array("{year}", "{shortyear}", "{month}", "{day}", "{GB}", "{EU}", "{US}"); $replacements = array($this->Date->format("Y"), $this->Date->format("y"), $this->Date->format("m"), $this->Date->format("d"), 'GB', 'EU', 'US'); Be neat if we can set the Country for the company and use that tag like some companies do: GB02389234 EU2389423 etc. Now mine is: GB1610091 [{GB}{shortyear}{month}{day}{num}] @Paul do you like this feature request to have the short date?
    1 point
  15. haha, hopefully will have soon, we're waiting for the Blesta one since I'm not a fan of the third-party ones. But if you like to re-sell any licenses you can but if you wish to make a cms version please PM mate and I'll give you a development license :).
    1 point
  16. Fantastic Work! - Just ordered
    1 point
  17. Is this a auction or set price ? $20.00USD here
    1 point
  18. I would get it from you though don't want to have to pay the domain cost+addon company cost for it though. and kinda like my current domain anyway plus my logos and stuff donated by michael dance.
    1 point
  19. Have a look at my hack: it should work on GoGetSSL just have to rename the text to work on the GoGetSSL, the number should be obvious to people though.
    1 point
  20. Paul

    Ip details and blocking

    Have you enabled GeoIP? Settings > System > General > GeoIP Settings. If setup, hovering over the IP address on a client profile and other areas will show information about the IP address.
    1 point
  21. Reload your cache, looks fine to me.
    1 point
  22. Hello @kemeris Support Manager Pro and Support Manager Core, dosent support that function yet, but I will add it to the todo list on this next release Regards, PV
    1 point
  23. Tyson

    Blesta4 & Minphp 1.0

    So minphp v1.0 will likely be the same as it is for Blesta, where it will require the bridge. Maybe a 2.0 would not require the bridge. Constants are not subject to change (they are "constants" after all). If you really needed to change them without modifying core files, then you *might* be able to define them at run time through the AppController::preAction event, which may or may not suffice for what you use them for.
    1 point
  24. Attached is the admin side and the signed in client. If we need updates to this - happy to review and provide a git repo for it. As I have also included in my person version - the plugin returning the reason it was blocked
    1 point
  25. Abdulaziz

    Blesta 4.0.0

    Hi Is there any news about the next release?
    1 point
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