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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/2016 in all areas

  1. Blesta Addons

    Trace erros

    i have write a plugin for debugging , the plugin is designed to use tracy or kint debugging tool (more in next version) . a sample screenshoot when error is detected i will publish it to github when i get time .
    2 points
  2. Hello ALL . today , i will release freely a plugin that a must have for every blesta developer , is The Debugger. this plugin will let you debug any error with the Wonderful libraries Tracy and Kint . i suggest using Tracy. if you enable Kint you will get more debug info and trace, BUT YOU CANT disable it or Access the blesta website until you disable the trace from the file /vendors/kint_autoload.php . DO NOT USE THIS PLUGIN OR INSTALL IT IN ANY PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT , OR USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK . the plugin is hosted in open source , so any bug fix or pull request are welcome . http://blesta-addons.com/plugin/store/main/item/16/ Debugging with Tracy : Trace bar Debugging with Kint : Enjoy the life and Coding .
    1 point
  3. CubeData is proud to announce we have made a vultr provisioning module for blesta The cost is $7.00 per month for monthly license $100 for owned license with optional $25/year support/upgrades renewal if you want support/upgrades for the module(if you don't renew this you just will not get any support/upgrades/patches/etc for your module) Screenshots of the module: Order Links: https://cubedata.net/vultr Also this module has been independently reviewed by a security researcher.
    1 point
  4. Basically, Show all the TLD prices in a table in the order form.
    1 point
  5. austenite

    Beta to go Live date

    For me stability is of the utmost importance, I couldn't care less when v4 is released. I have all of the features I currently need and have alternatives in place for those not provided by Blesta. They can take as long as they want, as long as they continue to patch any security issues in 3.6.2 and v4 is nice and stable upon final public release I'll be happy
    1 point
  6. evolvewh

    Stripe Plus Gateway

    Do you have any plans to support Apple Pay?
    1 point
  7. evolvewh

    Beta to go Live date

    Can you write quality code any faster? I'm sure the team wants to get it released as soon as they can being that it's a huge release and it's take a considerable amount of time so far. Be patient and keep using 3.6.2 for the time being, just like the rest of us. Have you tested it and provided any quality feedback to help speed up the release?
    1 point
  8. Thanks Next week I will initiate the mass update eheh Regards, PV
    1 point
  9. still not working module just upload ssh key to digitalocean but not create new droplet
    1 point
  10. Blesta Addons

    Stripe Plus Gateway

    @Cherry i have sent a pull request that fix the Invoice ID statement .
    1 point
  11. the easy way , @Licensecart solution . the advanced way , create a helper plugin that return the requested packages group in json format , then add the response to your page .
    1 point
  12. timnboys

    Beta to go Live date

    why are you asking this for? is it because you don't have a developer license to get access to the beta? if so check it out on licensedemo.com
    1 point
  13. you can use my admin tools plugins , is open source, in github , it has this feature .you and any other on,e can review the code and sent a pull request or report any bug in iy .
    1 point
  14. I believe this is one the best third party plugins for Blesta. This plugin has all the features required for a working helpdesk system. Thank you. Oh, when this is updated for Blesta Version 4.0 I will be donating again. Keep up the good work.
    1 point
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