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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/2016 in all areas

  1. Cherry

    Stripe Plus Gateway

    We've pushed 1.0.4 to GitHub, which upgrades the PHP Stripe SDK, and removes invoice IDs from statement descriptors for now. https://github.com/nodecraft/stripe_plus_gateway/releases We'll look into including the invoice number on statements instead in a future release.
    3 points
  2. now, if a client pay invoice , it show him a page with : Your payment is being processed. i think is better to ad some other detail like : thank for your payment . Transaction Id : 646wqq46wq Transaction status : Accepted Amount Payed : 55$ Your payment is being processed. just to note all this info is already passed to the view file by the var $trans_data .
    2 points
  3. ohh, already requested in 3.5.2 , horry tyson , a simple 6 or 8 line code and close this CORE-ID .
    2 points
  4. I'm just adding catching API exceptions, I'll add logging the request/response to Blesta's module logs at the same time
    2 points
  5. Blesta Addons

    Disable Fund

    open file app\views\client\bootstrap\client_invoices.pdt qoute this line // array('name'=>$this->_("ClientInvoices.index.categorylink_make_payment", true), 'attributes'=>array("href"=>$this->base_uri . "pay/"))
    2 points
  6. i will add my own soon , now is time to re-make all plugins for v4
    2 points
  7. Abdy

    Disable Fund

    I don't understand why you want disable this option, Is really useful for some clients. Only my opinion.
    2 points
  8. Tyson

    Disable Fund

    Blesta doesn't currently have an option to deny accepting payments unless they are for specific invoices. A customer could add a payment now for something like a renewing service later (i.e. pre-pay), and Blesta will treat it as a credit on their account. However, it is possible to hide the "Make Payment" button, but it would require you to update a core template in the source code. To otherwise forcefully deny payments from customers would require additional logic to be added.
    2 points
  9. Do you offer custom Blesta development services? We are planning to create a new page on our website for 3rd party custom development resources. If you'd like to be on this page, please reply to this thread and include the following: Company Name Your Logo (Attached or URL to a logo we can use) Some information about what you offer. You can include pretty much anything you want to say marketing-wise. Be sure to include what kind of development you do. For example, Themes only, or Themes and Custom Development (plugins, gateways, modules, etc). The URL to your website or other contact method Thanks!
    1 point
  10. Basically, Show all the TLD prices in a table in the order form.
    1 point
  11. It's planned in CORE-1324 but you can use the Admin tools by Naja7host do to it now. Personally changing the admin route is a good option to do.
    1 point
  12. Cherry

    Stripe Plus Gateway

    This is something we did explore when developing this addon, but came to the conclusion that as Stripe sends this information along to the bank, it's really down to each individual bank if they choose to use it. From our experience, most european banks will display the company name, phone number, URL, and statement description, but this is a lot more rare to see in the US. It's something we'll definitely consider in a future iteration of the gateway, but have no plans currently. We're always happy to resolve and fix any bugs, but our time is pretty limited when it comes to feature requests, especially those beyond our use case, sorry! Let us know if there's anything else we can assist with, and thanks for using the gateway!
    1 point
  13. Jason Ryan

    Stripe Plus Gateway

    Ok, well that explains why I never even seen the "Upgrade" button... thanks again for the help! I will report back if I have any further issues.
    1 point
  14. blazedd

    Stripe Plus Gateway

    @viablethought I'm happy to have helped. I'm still a little concerned about the messages you received before, but I'm glad to understood how the payment accounts got de-synced. More than likely it sounds like you have an install with a lot more mileage and the auto-recover function to find their stripe id couldn't find the correct Stripe Customer ID to use. To upgrade you first need to overwrite the files, while the gateway is still installed. After the files have been overwritten you can finish it up by visiting the Gateways page and clicking the Upgrade button. Voila, you're done!
    1 point
  15. Cherry

    Stripe Plus Gateway

    @Paul Thanks for the information. It appears as if `invoiceArrayToAmounts` method within gateway_payments (which is eventually passed down to our gateway) only ever returns the raw `invoice_id` and `amount`, which is all we used. I suppose we could lookup every invoice and get the invoice number instead, but that wouldn't solve the issue from appearing in any other gateways that expose this information to the client, such as via the PayPal form (albeit a little more difficult to find). We'll push an update shortly to remove the invoice ID from statement descriptors for now until we've investigated a little further. Thanks!
    1 point
  16. Michael

    Disable Fund

    Go to: /app/views/client/themename/client_main_myinfo.pdt Remove: <div class="amounts"></div> And <?php $this->Javascript->setInline(' $(document).ready(function() { fetchCurrencyAmounts("' . $this->Html->ifSet($contact->settings['default_currency']) . '"); $(".col-md-3 .amounts").on("click", "a", function() { fetchCurrencyAmounts($(this).attr("id")); return false; }); }); function fetchCurrencyAmounts(currency) { $(this).blestaRequest("GET", "' . $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri . "main/getcurrencyamounts/") . '" + currency, null, function(data) { if (data) $(".amounts").html(data); }, null, {dataType:"json"}); } '); ?>
    1 point
  17. Paul

    payment recieved page

    I assigned it to our "short term" bucket.
    1 point
  18. Paul

    mass mailer questions

    The cron runs every 5 minutes, so on average 2.5 minutes to start. It will email everyone as quickly as possible when it runs. If it crashes, it will pick up where it left off at the next cron run.
    1 point
  19. Tyson

    payment recieved page

    I believe this is CORE-1794. All of the transaction data shown would be optional. We could only show what we have, if we have anything in the first place.
    1 point
  20. Latest Blesta module release (1.3.5) is available on GitHub and the marketplace, now! API calls are now logged to Blesta's module logs, and API exceptions are caught and displayed to the user in a nice format. I think I've got them all, but if anybody runs into an exception that isn't caught let me know and I'll push out a new version. As usual, the update process is a simple drop in the new version, overwriting the old copy. Let us know if you run into any issues!
    1 point
  21. oh yes, a big +1 on this one
    1 point
  22. I think you're right about the issue importing. I'm going to delete all the database tables and try installing/migrating again with a clean slate.
    1 point
  23. Hi, You can add me please? Name: CyanDark Logo: Attached We offer Themes and Custom Development. Contact URL: https://clients.cyandark.com/client/plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/add/4/
    1 point
  24. Hello Paul could you add me? My info is: CubeData https://cubedata.net/img/cd-logo.svg Custom Development of plugins,modules,etc I will do theme development depending on how easy it is though I am mostly a script person(though I do know HTML/CSS/etc) https://cubedata.net/client/plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/add/1/ Also I would like to thank Michael Dance @Licensecart for "donating" the logos etc I use now.
    1 point
  25. we have discussed this subject several times, not just the navigation bar for step but the whole order form for hosting industry is highly required . the actual one is not adequate to the hosting market
    1 point
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