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Enverido - Simpler Licensing
Michael and one other reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
the organization if was two word it lead a error in creation via api . like 'blesta addons' . when i set one work it work perfectly . and awesmone news is that the DIgital Product Pro Module support licensing now via Enverido.2 points -
[Module] cPanel Extended Module for Blesta (Broken)
domaingood reacted to Abdy for a topic
First Look to cPanel Extended v6.0 We are in the final stretch, only 4 days left until the end of the crowdfunding campaign, you can still make your contribution to support the development of this module and get your cPanel Extended license up to 50% cheaper than the final selling price. Or you can even get the unencoded version (without ionCube) exclusively from the crowdfunding campaign at FundRazr ________________________________________________________________________________________ Crowdfunding Campaign Due to the Blesta updates and the constant changes of the cPanel API, the module has been broken down over time. I have received several messages here in the forum commenting on various problems they are having with the module. In addition to this, several bugs and even security issues have been found, many of these directly inherited from the old cPanel Extended from ModulesGarden code that was released under the MIT license. As a solution to all these problems, we consider that the best option is to completely rewrite from scratch the module using the latest cPanel SDK (Authentication by Tokens) and the latest development standards. (PHP 7 and PSR-2) The process of rewriting a module as complex as cPanel Extended is a very time-consuming process, so it requires the development team to be full-time involved in its development to ensure a quality and safe product. This is one of the reasons why we are raising funds, in order to finance the time that will be spent on development. Because cPanel Extended is a totally free, ad-free and open source module, it does not represent any monetary income for us, so it is complicated for us to schedule specific time to maintain the module, therefore we decided to make the next version, a paid module, in order to afford the time of development and maintenance and avoid abandoning the module. Although cPanel Extended will now be a paid module, we will release a completely free "cPanel Extended Lite" version, with all the functions of cPanel Extended v5 (But without bugs :p), Also by supporting the financing of cPanel Extended, you will also be helping to the free version receive the same maintenance and development as the paid version. What if we don't reach the goal? If we do not reach the campaign goal within 30 days, all the backers will receive a refund. If you want to support the development of cPanel Extended, you can see more about our crowdfunding campaign here: Go to Crowdfunding Campaing ________________________________________________________________________________________ cPanel Migrator Plugin During the course of the campaign, several users have reported various problems with cPanel Extended v5, from simple bugs to problems that impede the correct running of the business. We know how important it is to have a reliable tool and fully functional in a business, to avoid problems with the customers. Since cPanel Extended v5 no longer meets the security and reliability requirements to be used in a business, we have developed cPanel Migrator, a simple plugin for Blesta that allows you to migrate temporarily all the packages, services and servers from cPanel Extended v5 to cPanel core, until the new version of cPanel Extended is released. The tool can be downloaded free of charge from the following link: https://github.com/CyanDarkInc/plugin-cpanel-migrator/archive/master.zip ________________________________________________________________________________________ cPanel Extended cPanel Extended automates accounts provisioning and allows your clients to manage their web hosting accounts in the Blesta client area! The module eliminates the necessity of logging in to cPanel as it relocates many of its functionalities and advantages directly to your Blesta. Your clients will no longer need to leave your website! Everything they need to manage their accounts, websites and services effectively will be found in one place - your client area. With cPanel Extended your customers will be able to manage their FTP accounts, domains, email accounts, databases, applications, SSL certificates and many more. That is not everything! Our module will allow you to set up ready products in your Blesta and configure them in the same way as your cPanel Packages. This is a fantastic and convenient time saver! In addition, you will be able to easily adjust each product and decide which functionalities are available to your clients. A full control in a single pane of glass! There are many reasons to invest in this gorgeous module and we presented you only a few of them. You can be more than sure that both you and your clients will be really satisfied with this choice. Choose the most advanced and fully-featured solution for your web hosting business. Features: New Statistics Design WebDisk Support Install Any Script from Blesta (Softaculous) DNS Zone Editor (Supports A, AAAA, MX, TXT and CNAME) Email Fowarding Preview of the Hosted Site Change Password from Blesta Update 4.1: Backups Support New Softaculous Section Firewall Section New Stats Design Update 4.2: Fixed the problem that requires a License for install the module. Now, You can enable or Disable some sections for some specific packages. Now, You can set the Reseller Limits (Web Quota and Bandwidth) from Blesta. Now, You can Enable or Disable the "Username" and "Password" field in the Order Page. Update 4.2.1: This fix a error that not generate a Password if you disable the password field in the order form. Update 4.3 This fix a error that appears trying to add a Reseller Account. (I hope) This fix a issue with the email tags. This fix the Accounts count issue. You can get noticed and download future updates, Directly from the admin area of Blesta. Update 4.3.1 Notice when a update is available has been removed. Update 5.0 Manage the account from the admin panel. Ability to add a suspension reason when you suspend a service in the admin panel. Page2Image API updated. (Requires a Page2Image Account) Auto-Detect domain when a domain type order form is used. Ability to change the password to a MySQL user from Blesta. Login to cPanel using Single Sign-On (No more hidden forms, with the password in plain-text) Update 5.1 Fixed Blank Suspension Reason. Optimized for Blesta 4.0 Update 5.1.1 Security Update cPanel Extended 5.1.1 Source Code Audition: https://codeclimate.com/github/CyanDarkInc/cPanel-Extended/issues Screenshots:1 point -
Here at Enverido we're happy to announce the first release of our Blesta module! What is Enverido? Enverido is a brand-new licensing service which is currently in its BETA testing phase. We hope to make it easier and more affordable than ever before to license your software, and to that end we make available a simple and flexible API, pre-built libraries for a variety of programming languages, as well as a handy web interface to manage and view licence and product information, and finally several "pre-built" integrations for 3rd party services, of which Blesta is the first. While we believe that Enverido is now at a point where it is ready to begin licensing products, we are aware that it's still in its BETA testing phase! Because of this, we're offering our "business" subscription plan for only $10/month (normally $50/month). This plan allows you to generate an unlimited number of licences for an unlimited number of products. We're also looking for any feedback you have about anything, and we're eager to listen and implement your ideas. What can it do for me? We currently have several key features implemented, with others already on the horizon and in development. As it stands, our feature list is as follows: Create licences for separate products under one account Licences can be locked to a domain name or IP address, or neither Licences can have any duration! Your licences aren't fixed to only being 1 year/month in length! Issue, reissue, suspend and unsuspend licences API documented and ready to use Blesta module ready to use Web UI for manual licence generation, licence management and account management Pre-built libraries for several platforms and languages How does Enverido integrate with Blesta? Simply create an account on our website (for free!) and install our Blesta module (available on the Blesta marketplace now). Once you've entered your API key and account information into the Blesta module, you'll be ready to go! Simply create a package using the "Enverido" module and you can begin selling licences. Our Blesta module currently has the following features: Automatic renewal - licences renew automatically when the Blesta service is renewed Automatic suspension - licences are suspended automatically if the Blesta service is suspended Reissue licences - clients can reissue their own licences from within Blesta, either to reinstall their product or to change their domain name, IP address or email Licence management - members of staff can change licence details from the Blesta admin area Instant generation - Licences are generated and displayed in Blesta as soon as invoices are paid Email licence information - You can use Blesta's welcome email to send your customers their licence information via email These features all work in tandem with our own web UI - licences generated by Blesta can still be seen and managed in the web UI if you choose to . What does it cost? Prices for Enverido start from $0. Our homebrew plan is completely free, with no strings attached or requirements to upgrade. To allow as many people as possible to start licensing, we provide plans at a range of price points. Our other two plans are the "Start-up plan" priced at $20/month, and the "Business plan" priced at $50/month. You can see subscription plan information on our website, here. However, as a thank you for BETA testing our product we're giving you the option to subscribe to a special "BETA testers plan", priced at $10/month - this will allow you to generate an unlimited number of licences for as many products as you want. The best thing? This will be your subscription cost forever, even after the BETA test ends, as long as you stay subscribed! How do I get started? Create a free account at enverido.com Install our Blesta module Take a look at our documentation if you get stuck Like it? Subscribe to the BETA tester plan for only $10/month and receive a great discount! Screenshots Here are some screenshots of both the web UI and Blesta module to give you an insight into how everything feels. More screenshots of the Blesta module are available on our marketplace listing, and sign-up for a free account to see more of the web UI. Finally... Thanks for taking the time to read - we're looking for any feedback or suggestions you might have. Our Blesta module is also completely open-source, feel free to modify as you wish. Have a great day! You can follow development, raise issues and make suggestions here.1 point
Or just strip non-alphanumeric characters when constructing the URL?1 point
Enverido - Simpler Licensing
Michael reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
the error is cURL error 6: Couldn't resolve host 'blesta addons.enverido.com' (see http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html)1 point -
Great, thanks guys. I'll be taking a look at this shortly. In the meantime, here's the page these are going on to give you an idea. https://www.blesta.com/development/1 point
We're a small startup but growing every day, that our main goal is provide high performance services at cheap prices, From Web Hosting, Servers and Domains to Development, Web Design and Graphic Design services. I'm not sure if sounds good.1 point
1 point
Thanks for the notice. It does look like it's treating credits as revenue in those stats. CORE-22761 point
Yes I can and feel free to tweak my writing if you want to since I am not going to say I am the best in grammar/spelling ^ How is that @Paul ? I tried to come up with all you asked in the paragraph but I admit I am not a PR person so I really would appreciate if you could tweak it to make it sound/look good paul.1 point
We've just released a new version of the Blesta module, available on the marketplace now! As @Paul suggested, the module now deletes licences when a service is cancelled, instead of suspending the licence. Suspending the service will still suspend the licence, and unsuspending the service will still unsuspend the licence. It's a straight-forward upgrade, just replace the current "enverido" folder in Blesta's "components/modules" directory with the new one, then go to Blesta's module administration and click the upgrade button next to enverido!1 point
The PHP library has been updated, licences can now be created and deleted easily using the library. The latest changes are now on GitHub here: https://github.com/enverido/php, and as usual can be pulled into your project via Composer. There's no complete documentation for the PHP library yet, but to take a look at how to create and delete a licence via the library in the LicenceTest class, here: https://github.com/enverido/php/blob/master/tests/LicenceTest.php - essentially to create a licence you just need to make an API object using your API key and organisation name. Create a product object using the API object you just made and a product ID, and then create a licence by passing in the values required for the API call (which you can see here: https://docs.cogative.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1409441#id-/licence-POST) - hopefully it's all fairly self explanatory.1 point
1 point
ok the cPanel Extended Module fixed my problem1 point
if($licenceValid) { echo("Yay! A valid licence!"); } else { echo("Arrgh! Hide the rum! Ye might be a pirate!"); } LOL Your code makes me happy.1 point
I tried to log in to the admin area, and it appears the license key is invalid.1 point
Enverido - Simpler Licensing
PauloV reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
Nice platform , maybe when i get time i will integrate API to my digital product module to deliver product with licenses .1 point -
well actually I already have a prototype built for blesta for the license verification portal I just need to test it.1 point
Yessir, I'll try to get this done soon, then get some opinions from other blesta customers here and see if we can come up with consensus. Other than that, how hard would it be to allow us to just fully customize that page itself?1 point
Update: Optimized for Blesta 4.01 point
1 point
Ability To Resend Welcome Email
ariq01 reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
i heve done it for you Plugin done and released for free here http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/5074-plugin-resend-welcome-email/ . description taked from the Paul's JIRA CORE-1786 . added also in blesta marketplace .1 point -
Ability To Resend Welcome Email
ariq01 reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
i got a idea of plugin , maybe i will write a plugin just for resend welcome email without hacking the core files1 point