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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/2016 in all areas

  1. Paul

    Invoices not being delivered

    Do you have the GD extension in your PHP? If not, try adding it. Also, try re-adding your logo or background image to your invoice. Does the logo and/or background image appear when trying to open an existing invoice?
    1 point
  2. Services that are cancelled in Blesta cannot be "un-cancelled", so it might make sense to cancel via the API unless I'm missing something.
    1 point
  3. @naja7host Licences can now be removed via the web UI and the API. To remove via the web UI, simply click "Delete" to the right-hand side of the licence where it's listed under the "Licences" page. If you're logged in, click here to get to that page. To remove a licence via the API, take a look at our documentation, here. As usual, it's a pretty simple 1-call request that will return either a successful response with some information about the licence you just deleted, or it will return an error and error code if there was a problem (common problems would be that you forgot to add an API key to the request, you're trying to delete a licence that isn't yours, or the licence has already been deleted, or never existed in the first place). Deleting a licence will be added into the PHP library shortly - If, for some reason, you need it in the next couple of hours, you can make an API request to delete the licence. Just instantiate a new "Api" class and then get the Guzzle HTTP client using the getClient() method. The default behaviour of our Blesta module is still to suspend a licence, even if the service is cancelled. We've done this for the sake of data integrity. If you want to change this behaviour, you can fork our Blesta module on GitHub and modify the module to delete a licence if the service is cancelled, instead. Deleting a licence means that it will no longer be included in your total licence count. An easy rule to remember is that if the licence appears in the list under the "Licences" page, it will be counted as one of your licences - even if it's expired or has been suspended. If there's enough interest, we could add some tools which allow you to delete all the expired licences, or all of the suspended licences, in one fell-swoop, but that's a pretty risky move so I'm somewhat hesitant to add it initially, at least. Hope this helps! Let me know if you run into any issues.
    1 point
  4. this can be related to the logo or background set for invoices , recheck them in, invoice customization .
    1 point
  5. The 10 licences limit includes suspended licences too (this is because these licences can be "unsuspended" and made active again, and it's difficult to predict whether or not your customer is going to decide to renew their licence to unsuspend it - if they did and the suspended licence didn't count towards your totals you could run into problems where an existing customer can't unsuspend a licence they've paid for. From sometime later today (21st Sept. 2016) you'll also be able to delete licences. both via the API, the PHP library and also the enverido web UI. This will remove the licence and all of its data from the licence server, freeing up one item in your licence count. If you delete a licence, it can't be renewed like a suspended one can, and any products or 3rd party integrations using that licence will stop functioning correctly (eg: if the licence is provisioned in Blesta, and then you delete it via the API from your PC, Blesta will not have a good time). We're just carrying out the final tests to make sure everything works properly when deleting licences before we launch it onto the live servers - so like I said, expect it at some point later today. I can drop you a PM when the feature goes live, if you like?
    1 point
  6. Paul

    Enverido - Simpler Licensing

    if($licenceValid) { echo("Yay! A valid licence!"); } else { echo("Arrgh! Hide the rum! Ye might be a pirate!"); } LOL Your code makes me happy.
    1 point
  7. Michael

    Sale Questions

    From them or here. https://docs.blesta.com/display/support/Getting+Support#GettingSupport-SupportAccess Yes it does. Yes it does.
    1 point
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