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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/2016 in all areas

  1. Hello Again LAST UPDATE : 29-08-2016 , Version 1.0.0 IF YOU WANT TO THANK ME WITH A LITTE DONATION , you can do it with PAYPAL DONATION from here is time for chat plugins , another chat system , is Clickdesk Chat plugin . The Clickdesk Chat plugin will add the widget to your blesta website in client side . screenshoot : Client Side This Plugin is tested in our test server , no bugs at the moment . the installtion steps is : 1 - download the file from Blesta Addons . 2 - upload the clickdesk folder inside plugin directory . 3 - goto plugins , and install Clickdesk Chat . 4 - manage plugin, enter Clickdesk Agent ID . 5 - enjoy the free content The Plugins / Modules take from us a lot of time , so any donation are welcome . Any Suggestion/Bug Please report it here .
    3 points
  2. Hello Again LAST UPDATE : 29-08-2016 , Version 1.0.0 IF YOU WANT TO THANK ME WITH A LITTE DONATION , you can do it with PAYPAL DONATION from here we bring free and exclusive content again , this time is the Happyfox Chat plugin . The Happyfox Chat plugin will add the widget to your blesta website in client side . screenshoot : This Plugin is tested in our test server , no bugs at the moment . the installtion steps is : 1 - download the file from Blesta Addons . 2 - upload the happyfox_chat folder inside plugin directory . 3 - goto plugins , and install Happyfox Chat . 4 - manage plugin, enter happyfox chat API key . 5 - enjoy the free content The Plugins / Modules take from us a lot of time , so any donation are welcome . Any Suggestion/Bug Please report it here .
    3 points
  3. Hello Again LAST UPDATE : 30-08-2016 , Version 1.0.0 IF YOU WANT TO THANK ME WITH A LITTE DONATION , you can do it with PAYPAL DONATION from here is time for chat plugins , another chat system , is tawk.to Chat plugin . The Tawk.to Chat plugin will add the widget to your blesta website in client side . screenshoot : admin side client side : This Plugin is tested in our test server , no bugs at the moment . the installtion steps is : 1 - download the file from Blesta Addons . 2 - upload the tawk folder inside plugin directory . 3 - goto plugins , and install Tawk.to Chat . 4 - manage plugin, enter Tawk Site ID . (from admin dashboard , Property Settings of your website page) 5 - enjoy the free content The Plugins / Modules take from us a lot of time , so any donation are welcome . Any Suggestion/Bug Please report it here .
    1 point
  4. i will test it today .and a plugin will be made now ..... i will make a chrono to count how many nimutes i willl spen in these new plugin . Edit : Plugin Done, 7 minutes .... to test and upload
    1 point
  5. i will see , then i make a plugin for it .
    1 point
  6. Nice work! Never heard of these two you released plugins today for, seems like there are a lot of nice options for Live Chat lately. We started using tawk.to for blesta.com recently, it's completely free and seems to work pretty well.
    1 point
  7. I don't see any possible way a suspend action would result in a cancel request. The only thing I can think of is that you may have selected Cancel by mistake. If you think this is a bug, we would need steps to duplicate. The content of your module logs may be helpful, but I suspect they will look like a normal cancellation request.
    1 point
  8. yes is amazing , in free plan they have a limited functions , but in paid plan ,they have a lot of cool features .
    1 point
  9. is not true , we are using cpanel module, and supend is suspending the account, not terminating . for cpanel extended i have not tested or used .
    1 point
  10. Cool custom fields on CORE I have alredy added Custom Fields to my Support Manager Pro mod, has you can see I use arrays to store fields and data on each ticket ,and on Admin/Manage we just set all fields, I was thinking on adding a more rich interface, but I will wait until CORE-450 to start from there eheh For the tickets encryption, I have made some benchmarks and its slow on a DB with more then 100k tickets(replies) even with cache/ssd/mysql optimised maybe I will add 2 options: Option 1- encrypt (per ticket) it only will encrupt/decrypt that ticket (it will add a flag on replies to tell what are encrypted and not) Option 2- encrypt all Custom Fields (per custom filed) About the key pass to encrypt/decrypt, its an excelent idea special for staff private notes
    1 point
  11. CORE-450 Custom fields with encryption option. This would be perfect for customers submitting server passwords or other sensitive information. Of course, this is planned for the official support manager. Not all data needs to be or should be encrypted. Remember, encrypted data cannot be searched, and there is some overhead with decrypting it. Also AES does not use public/private key pairs like RSA, so the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt. This means that if an attacker got access to your database *and* your files, they could decrypt the data anyway. In contrast, if you were using Blesta's batch processing for charging credit cards, the private RSA keys used to decrypt cards would be encrypted with AES using a passphrase that is not stored anywhere and has to be manually entered. This method could be done elsewhere, and might be a good idea for sensitive ticket information, but the data would not be decrypted automatically and staff would have to enter a passphrase unknown by Blesta before it could be decrypted.
    1 point
  12. that some thing i not recommend it if you have a huge ticket or data . but i think blesta should now add option to add some critical fields like server ip and fields for login/pass , that fields should be encrypted in database . or it should add option to edit replies , that way staff can change sensitive data with asterisks ..
    1 point
  13. Today I started developing our custom code for Blesta, because we're coming from WHMCS where we created much custom code for. Now, I see this "bad" (when I compare it to WHMCS) domain management, I can't continue to switch to Blesta because of this. I hope a better domain management will being implemented in the near future. I don't think you'll need to do this per module, which will get very messy over time (all different way's of handling things). My ideas for the domain management, which you may consider while implementing this: - Centralized WHOIS information over multiple registries, with ability to "override" this for a specific domain by the customer. - Centralized nameservers over multiple registries, with ability to "override" this for a specific domain by the customer. - Proper transfer handling (including a cron). - TLD syncing with automated price updates - WHOIS through the preferred registry for a TLD - Some TLD's have different requirements (e.g. a domain needs to be renewed x days before expiry). Thanks!
    1 point
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