Hi mate
Thanks for that, its the default theme just a different colour scheme. I've tried it on chrome, Firefox, opera and Vivaldi on Linux so its multiple browsere, possibly a Linux issue then.
I'll need to try it under a different operating system
Thanks for everyone's help! This has finally been solved. I hope this thread will help someone in the future.
The problem was the cache server didn't have my domain as an exception. I'm not sure if it's because the cache didn't work, causing the session not to work, resulting in the CSRF token being generated on each refresh.
But the fix was to add the domain to the cache server exception list and everything works normally.
So no need to disable any services or add the following to .htaccess.
okay that would be nice.
I will email you at that email so we can discuss this mainly because I don't have a TCAdmin setup and if you have one already that would speed up both of our development.