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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/21/2016 in all areas

  1. Credit notes have been requested for Blesta, as a means of VAT compliance. Credit notes are issued when an adjustment has to be made to an invoice. Credit notes do not have to be issued for pro forma invoices. The rules for credit notes can be found at http://www.revenue.ie/en/tax/vat/guide/credit-notes.html#section8 and are copied below: The credit note must show: the date of issue of the note, a number, which uniquely identifies the note, the full name, address and VAT registration number of the person issuing the note, the full name, address and VAT registration number of the person to whom the note is being issued, in the case of a supply to a person who is registered for value-added tax in another EU Member State, the person’s VAT identification number in that Member State, the reason why the note is being issued and a cross-reference to the invoice which was issued for the supply in respect of which the consideration was reduced, the amount of the consideration, exclusive of tax, in respect of which the note is being issued, and the rate or rates of tax in force when the related invoice was issued and the amount of tax at each rate as appropriate to the consideration shown on the note (other than where the reverse charge applied on the transaction). If you are in an EU country where credit notes are required, we would love your feedback. Is the above list accurate? How should credit notes be accessed? Should they be appended to the invoice as additional pages in the PDF with the required information listed? Should Credit Notes be visible to staff only, or staff and clients? How should you, as a staff member, create a credit note in Blesta? (Please outline your desired process for this) Thanks! EDIT: The task for this is described in CORE-1277
    1 point
  2. Please see http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/6976-credit-notes-help-us-spec-this-out-looking-for-your-feedback/ and help answer questions and clarify how credit notes should work exactly so we can update the task. If all the details are filled in, we can schedule it for development.
    1 point
  3. When user fills up the registration form, DirectAdmin module password part is visible:
    1 point
  4. I haven't looked at the importer, but from your code I don't see any problems. You may want to group on the service ID though. You mentioned you have 10k services. Fetching them all at once may exhaust memory. You can iterate over the records instead: ... $services = $this->Record->group(array('services.id'))->getStatement(); foreach ($services as $service) { $this->Record->where("services.id", "=", $service->id)->update("services", array('package_group_id' => $service->filled_package_group_id)); }
    1 point
  5. s this code safe ? $fields = array( "services.*", 'pricings.term', 'packages.id' => "packages_id", 'package_group.package_group_id' => "filled_package_group_id", 'packages.name', 'contacts.company' => "client_company" ); $this->Record->select($fields)-> from("services")-> innerJoin("package_pricing", "package_pricing.id", "=", "services.pricing_id", false)-> innerJoin("pricings", "pricings.id", "=", "package_pricing.pricing_id", false)-> innerJoin("packages", "packages.id", "=", "package_pricing.package_id", false)-> innerJoin("package_group", "package_group.package_id", "=", "packages.id", false)-> innerJoin("clients", "services.client_id", "=", "clients.id", false)-> innerJoin("client_groups", "client_groups.id", "=", "clients.client_group_id", false)-> on("contacts.contact_type", "=", "primary")-> innerJoin("contacts", "contacts.client_id", "=", "clients.id", false); // Filter on client ID if ($service_id != null) $this->Record->where("services.id", "=", $service_id); $this->Record->where("services.status", "!=", "canceled")-> where("services.package_group_id", "=", null); // Ensure only fetching records for the current company $this->Record->where("client_groups.company_id", "=", Configure::get("Blesta.company_id")); $services = $this->Record-> fetchAll(); foreach ($services as $service) $this->Record->where("services.id", "=", $service->id)->update("services", array('package_group_id' => $service->filled_package_group_id));
    1 point
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