Ok, so in v4 we added a couple things related to Order Forms.
Clients now get an "Order" link in the client area. This takes them to a page to view all Order Forms they have access to.
Here's the link in the nav:
When they click the "Order" link, they can see all order forms they have access to:
You can also add a description for an order form that will appear on this page for the order form.
Staff can now set the "Visibility" of an order form to Public, Shared, or Client Only. Here's how that works:
Public (Anyone can see order forms of this visibility if "Default Order Form" is "None - Show Listing")
Shared (Only users that know the URL to this order form can access it)
Client Only (Only authenticated clients can see and order from these order forms)
Setting the visibility:
Setting the "Default Order Form" (None - Show Listing) now recommended:
What do you think? I think clients having access from the client area directly to the order form is great. Also, that they can have access to client only order forms. That opens up the possibilities for doing something special for existing customers.
What do you think?