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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/2016 in all areas

  1. Hello All . LAST UPDATE 16-10-2017 as promised , we are providing the plugin to clean & clear the unpaid orders after xx days . the plugins has two cronjob . 1 - Clean Unpaid Orders after xx days , the invoice related to the order should not paid or paid partially and in active state( not pending or in review status) . the admin can select delete or void invoices , and set of the services should be marked as canceled or delete them . 2 - Clear canceled orders list . the corn will only clear the the canceled orders after xx days from being ordered . the plugin send email to staff subscribed in order plugin, the email include the order number , client id , invoice id and services ids . that ways the staff can know wich orders has been cleaned . TODO LIST : - options to remind users about their unpaid pending orders . - notice client when unpaid order has been deleted from the system . as always the installtion steps is : 1 - download plugin from Blesta Addons . 2 - upload the clean_orders folder inside plugin directory . 3 - goto plugins , and install Clean Orders . 4 - enjoy the free content . Screenshot this plugin requiere the Basic (Bronze) subscription . Order Link Plugin Page ANY BUG/SUGGESTION REPORT IT I THIS THREAD . exist another plugin tool that has the same goal but with a different logic from our friend blazedd here . Best regards
    3 points
  2. Good news!!!, Blesta Module V2 I forgot to add one more information (Very important), Virtualizor ready for LXC: http://virtualizor.com/wiki/Install_LXC
    2 points
  3. The "Order" link? It's a nav item, so you could modify it in the database to say something else if you want, but it's not customizeable. The 2nd image, where the order forms are listed is customizable by adding a description (new field) on the order form.
    1 point
  4. We would like feedback on the Mass Mailer, but it requires 4.0 so we'll have to wait for the beta to start. We did make some changes to the client area. For example, the navigation now appears whether clients are logged in or not. Really, a lot has changed, so we are hoping to get a lot of feedback during the beta.
    1 point
  5. I sort of prefer the "limit 1 service per client" option. I see this as a package option, only allowing a client to order 1 service from the package. Does this conflict with your suggestion @feezioxiii?
    1 point
  6. nice work! I just sent you a donation.
    1 point
  7. We need to refactor the coupon system before we can extend the functionality. Having coupons apply to specific terms/periods, and supporting free domains is planned. Right now, you can create inclusive coupons where you have to buy all of the items listed for the coupon to get the deal. This may not be ideal for domains because domains can belong to multiple packages and have various pricing. But it would work for any other type of package by making the coupon discount the same value of the "free" package. We don't like Pokemon Go. We are preparing for the Pokemon Go Apocalypse.
    1 point
  8. Paul

    Invoices Keep Sending Ou

    Yeah, make sure all services under the client are cancelled. Blesta will continue to invoice active services, regardless of the "status" of the client's account. If it's going to be marked inactive, it should be cleaned up first.
    1 point
  9. At the moment, yes. I'm working in a better module.
    1 point
  10. Version 1.4 Released 1. 17 New Articles. 2. 1 New Category Added, 3 New Sub-category added. 3. Now our KB cover major mobile like iOS/iPhone and Android - Email related articles like how to setup,etc. 4. Tutorial on Mozilla Thunderbird email client. Demo article Tutorial on How to setup and manage cPanel email with iOS/iPhone, Android and Mozilla Thunderbird email client.
    1 point
  11. i see your are using the cms plugin . you can't send a form to blesta without the token . and you cannot get the token in a plain html .
    1 point
  12. i have released a plugin to achive that request , the Clean Order plugin do the job for you .
    1 point
  13. we have already talked about this in a lot of threads , blesta should re-think about the hosting market , and adjust the software to be ready for hosting industry . blesta is 100% adequate to selling softwares, licenses, maybe other things , but it need a huge improvement to be a hosting software solution . @CyberHour , regarding your issue , you can live with your solution until the staff response to you , they can include a solution in the v4.1 or more , just it need a time and patience .
    1 point
  14. "If you aren't happy why did you buy it? There was a trial" Now this is an professional reply ... There is no way to find out all lacks of Blesta during trial period .. not to say that is almost impossible to figure what is wrong with a system that you don't test in public. Who can image that a premium billing system will lack such option ? "Yes but it's not something everyone needs / wants" - Who don't need it? Everyone who is in the hosting industry using Blesta has request this . "They aren't supermen." - Of course they are not, but for me this is a bug and as such should be resolved asap. After all there are not any patches for the past 12 months not looks that they are in rush. If the Blesta project is one man party then fine. And this is not request from today but before 2 years. " everyone is moaning about a mass mailer" - So you are saying that MASS SPAM is more improtant that fixing this and that. Those who want to spam their users they can do that by extracting the mailing lists through SQL, something We cant do for the coupons or affiliate system. Bear with me, but there are more important lacks on blesta that mass spaming.
    1 point
  15. the bug is related to function getNextInvoiceVars() n this code elseif ($vars['status'] == "proforma" || (($new || (isset($vars['prev_status']) && in_array($vars['prev_status'], array("void", "draft")))) && $client_settings['inv_type'] == "proforma")) { $vars['status'] = "proforma"; $inv_format = $client_settings['inv_proforma_format']; $inv_start = $client_settings['inv_proforma_start']; } the function return back the status to proforma and remove the void status .
    1 point
  16. We understand he's closed shop please don't re-post the same reply in about 2 months haha I don't think he will be back.
    1 point
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