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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/2016 in all areas

  1. Please avoid responding in threads created by me - help others with your time. I do not find you to be a professional individual.
    2 points
  2. Hello All . LAST UPDATE 16-10-2017 as promised , we are providing the plugin to clean & clear the unpaid orders after xx days . the plugins has two cronjob . 1 - Clean Unpaid Orders after xx days , the invoice related to the order should not paid or paid partially and in active state( not pending or in review status) . the admin can select delete or void invoices , and set of the services should be marked as canceled or delete them . 2 - Clear canceled orders list . the corn will only clear the the canceled orders after xx days from being ordered . the plugin send email to staff subscribed in order plugin, the email include the order number , client id , invoice id and services ids . that ways the staff can know wich orders has been cleaned . TODO LIST : - options to remind users about their unpaid pending orders . - notice client when unpaid order has been deleted from the system . as always the installtion steps is : 1 - download plugin from Blesta Addons . 2 - upload the clean_orders folder inside plugin directory . 3 - goto plugins , and install Clean Orders . 4 - enjoy the free content . Screenshot this plugin requiere the Basic (Bronze) subscription . Order Link Plugin Page ANY BUG/SUGGESTION REPORT IT I THIS THREAD . exist another plugin tool that has the same goal but with a different logic from our friend blazedd here . Best regards
    1 point
  3. jobplease

    Invoices Keep Sending Ou

    hi there, I have clients who are marked Inactive, and invoices are still being sent out. After a few months. Any clues whats happening here thanks..
    1 point
  4. the bug is related to function getNextInvoiceVars() n this code elseif ($vars['status'] == "proforma" || (($new || (isset($vars['prev_status']) && in_array($vars['prev_status'], array("void", "draft")))) && $client_settings['inv_type'] == "proforma")) { $vars['status'] = "proforma"; $inv_format = $client_settings['inv_proforma_format']; $inv_start = $client_settings['inv_proforma_start']; } the function return back the status to proforma and remove the void status .
    1 point
  5. Rocketz

    Login Via Email Only

    Can't there be an account dropdown on the top right once they're logged in? I.e : If you have 4 actual accounts, at the top right or wherever makes the most sense, you can an account dropdown and can select it there. That's how we managed permissions with designers who had access to multiple customer accounts at my previous company.
    1 point
  6. I would post each change you want made to DA to Feature Requests. Please open a new thread for each item as they would be considered individually.
    1 point
  7. I agree, a cron task with settings to specify how long a client has had no activity, however that is defined (active services, open invoices, etc), could mark a client inactive. Limited client area access would be difficult and we would have to have some type of ACL permission schema admins can define for this purpose. Probably not going to happen. A different login error message due to their status is a good idea.
    1 point
  8. I like it! A few thoughts: There should also be a setting in which clients who have no active services, open invoices or open tickets get moved automatically to 'inactive' after X days A limited client interface would be nice for clients with 'inactive' status, in case a client still wants to see payment, invoice, service or ticket history. This should be a per company setting, and is not a show stopper for me. At the very least, the login error should be different for clients with different statuses instead of it throwing a generic error. Other than that, I really like the feature in which new clients do not have full access until their order is approved. Definitely would help with fraudsters.
    1 point
  9. You're not losing your marbles. It's added as a "public note" on the invoice, which can be seen under the collapsible "Notes" section via the "Edit Invoice" UI within Blesta.
    1 point
  10. Cherry

    Stripe Plus Gateway

    We have released version 1.0.2 of this gateway today, which patches a small bug that prevented users from making "credit payments", and depositing funds not applicable to any invoice. We also took the opportunity to update the Stripe PHP SDK version, which patches a few issues. Full changelog: https://github.com/nodecraft/stripe_plus_gateway/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md Download the latest version at https://github.com/nodecraft/stripe_plus_gateway/releases
    1 point
  11. Pending invoices are not created automatically, so for these you would have had to manually create the invoice and select a future bill date. If pending invoices are included in the total, I'll create a task so we can address this in a future release.
    1 point
  12. Paul

    Support / Email New Ticket

    Settings > Company > Emails: - Staff Ticket Updated - Staff Ticket Updated (Mobile) Here's the default Staff Ticket Updated HTML Here's the default Staff Ticket Updated TEXT Here's the default Staff Ticket Updated (Mobile) HTML Here's the default Staff Ticket Updated (Mobile) TEXT
    1 point
  13. Hello Blestars Updated 16-10-2014 Added: A more cool loading CSS 3 Efect Screenshots will be added next week, trie the plugin to see it Fixed: Not all links and loading ajax events where correctly loading the animation Optimised: Code was optimised to support the new events on Blesta 3.3, there is no need to change Core files now Updated 11-07-2014 Added: Now it detects all .ajax events to work also on current page for exemple in Tabs loading ajax data, and not only loading new pages Once again we bring you "Free Content" We know that we have in Client Area some kind of Loading Bar event wen some ajax widgets are loading and in Admin area we have alot of Ajax events that can take alot of time loading (depending on how much data to retrive from database), and so we have have created a plugin that adds a smal code to all Admin Pages (actually only one file structure.pdt) to show a Loading image ( Its Blesta Logo eheh ) until all ajax events are done loading Loading Image exemple Teaser 1: Teaser 2: How to install (is very simple): 1º- Download the Blesta Loading Plugin here: Download Here (updated 16-10-2014) 2º- Uncompress, and upload the folder "blesta_loading" to blesta /plugins/ directory. 3º- Go to Blesta Admin, and click on Setings->Company->Plugins->Available and it will list the "Blesta Loading" plugin, just Click on "INSTALL" 4º- Now you can test it just navigate normaly on your Blesta How to Upgrade 1º- Download the Blesta Loading Plugin here: Download Here (updated 16-10-2014) 2º- Uncompress, and upload the folder "Blesta Loading" to blesta /plugins/ directory. 3º- Go to Blesta Admin, and click on Setings->Company->Plugins and it will list the "Blesta Loading" module, just Click on "UPGRADE" How to uninstall: Go to Blesta Admin, and click on Setings->Company->Plugins and it will list the "Blesta Loading" plugin, just Click on "UNINSTALL" Thats it If you like it, and want to donate, please use this PayPal link: Donate Here! Any bugs, or problems please tell us. Regards, PV
    1 point
  14. samuelsmith


    Hi, My name is Samuel Smith. I am glad to be the part of the community and i like to say hello to all members.
    1 point
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