Blesta: Stripe (plus) Gateway Forked version of the original Stripe gateway which includes updated offsite storage and ACH payments.
Some of the feature/bug requests this updated gateway resolves are listed below:
Installation Download the latest release version from and then simply upload the stripe_plus_gateway folder to ~/components/gateways/merchant directory on your Blesta installation.
Feature changes from Original Gateway This gateway has been rewritten from the original version which was distributed with Blesta. The major changes are as follows:
Only creates one Stripe Customer per Client Contact, rather than one Stripe Customer per Credit Card
Only supports offsite card storage, onsite storage is removed
Supports ACH payments*
Updated Stripe API PHP SDK to version 3.14.2
Utilizes Stripe API Version 2016-06-15
Adds API key environment selection (test vs live)
Updated Currency list to Stripe Documentation
Does not utilize Blesta's $client_reference_id lookup to Stripe customer ID. This can cause multiple customer accounts if the user deletes all payment methods. Uses added MySQL table stripe_plus_meta
Prevents your Stripe account from having "dead" data by attaching one customer per payment source. This enhances your ability to fight fraud.
Added security by preventing payment source information from being stored locally
*ACH Payments by Stripe require "verification" before payments are accepted. Blesta does not provide any methods for this process to take place. You will need to manually verify the bank account with your customer until this is improved or a plugin created.
Add ACH verification if Blesta implements methods on Gateway
Issues/feature requests: