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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/2016 in all areas

  1. jmf421

    Random Issues With Redirects

    Ok thanks, I added this and will keep an eye on things next month. I really appreciate your help!
    1 point
  2. jobplease

    Language Files Moved

    i wasnt moving files are such. I uploaded a theme which had folders named wrong. I have now uploaded a sql backup and believe its all good now. I have contacted the theme developer about this and suggested to check there content.
    1 point
  3. Something like closed Alpha...available to active developers.I think this would be good for blesta since some third party plugins are without officially counterpart and in same time so important for huge number of users.
    1 point
  4. marko

    Change Auto-Logout Interval

    In config/session.php I increased the 'Configure::set("Session.ttl", 7200);' Is that all that I need to do? Thanks.
    1 point
  5. Nelsa

    Release 3.6.1

    Hey I just pinted to one of your post which looks to me like inappropriate,I don't have anything against critizm ,giving suggestions..etc and I'm not defending anyone when it comes Blesta development,I just think we should communicate at proper way. I'm always open for discussion about anything but it should be done properly,with facts and without be provocative..that is all.When it comes to blesta bussiness model...well it is their problem and I will not comment that... Yes domain menagment is something that makes things harder for me also but we all know domain menagment will not be changed till 4.1 so I can only wait,when it comes invoicing in my case it is not at top of the list....but I think deleting should be one of the option. I think it is not included because in most countries it is forbiden to delete invoice but not in all..Even in countries where it is forbiden to delete invoice if someone want to do it..will do it at one or other way. Since this is topic dedicated to B 4 i will not go deeper...
    1 point
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