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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/2016 in all areas

  1. I have created a quick fix for it core file -> /app/models/invoices.php public function verifyPayHash($client_id, $invoice_id, $hash) { $h = $this->systemHash('c=' . $client_id . '|i=' . $invoice_id); $invoice_check = $this->get($invoice_id); if(!is_null($invoice_check) && $invoice_check->status === 'void') return false; return substr($h, -16) == $hash; } This will prevent voided invoices from using the email link May be able to get the invoice status via the getMeta but did not test. Function is located at the bottom of the file
    2 points
  2. jobplease

    Cron Run Drops Off Cpanel

    All working fine for now. Close thread please.
    2 points
  3. The cron job for cPanel is /usr/local/bin/php since they like to be different.
    1 point
  4. Awhile ago, I think I deleted one client group. I have re saved the order forms and hopefully it will work.
    1 point
  5. No problem
    1 point
  6. Tyson

    Release 3.6.1

    It is a priority for us to include it in the version 4 release, so we can't drop it. It requires several core changes that need to be made anyway, which lets us factor out some code to be deprecated, and simplify the code base. These changes have to be made at some point, and there is a larger benefit to them happening now.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. I tought you make this done a long time ago...9 day since topic is opened...Well let's finish this... I could finish this for you.... If you maintain your own server I will need access to server and blesta installation,if server is not your and you pay for hosting than access to control panel.After I finish I will provide you steps for changing all passwords I used.let me know if you are interested.
    1 point
  9. Tyson

    Release 3.6.1

    Some code needs to be refactored to support the remaining features we're including for v4, so it's taking longer than expected to update the design and integrate those changes. Good news is that it will be a better integration in the long run. When these two tasks, CORE-1686 and CORE-1763, are complete it should be ready for beta.
    1 point
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