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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/2016 in Posts

  1. Blesta Addons

    Get Unpaid Orders

    i'm currently working in a plugin that auto cancel unpaid orders after X days . but i have a misunderstanding the orders status !!! pending , accepted ... i have found some orders are accepted but not yet activated and is not complete until the invoice should paid . so normally i shouldn't search orders via status , i should search order is they have invoice related has date_closed set ? or i should look if the order is accepted or pending or both ?
    1 point
  2. It seems like the error occurs when Blesta is trying to create the user and it looks like the email address is surrounded in other characters. First check that you're running Blesta 3.6.1, and the version of Multicraft that was included in that release (Not downloaded from the forums or anywhere else) Then, double check that the email address for that client does not have anything before or after the address. Re-uploading all of the files as suggested would be a good idea, but make sure to back up everything first.
    1 point
  3. Which notifications? Virtually all language is stored in a language file. If the language is part of a module or plugin, it would be in the language directory for that extension. Otherwise, search the files in the /language/en_us/ directory. Once you find the definition, you can change it and save the file.
    1 point
  4. Tyson

    Get Unpaid Orders

    If you are cancelling orders, you will need to cancel the pending service, cancel the order, unapply any transactions from the invoice, and void the invoice. You could use the invoices.date_closed to determine whether the invoice is closed.
    1 point
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