I see. It looks like the new line is added into the value, so the value is "\ntest3" rather than just "test3".
I'd be curious if you placed the new line before the pipe delimiter, would it work correctly then? Areturn statement apart of the label, I imagine, should be irrelevant.
In any case, the options should be set inline. No extra white space (new lines, spaces, etc.).
I imagine it could be desirable for some to have a value start with a space, end with a space, or consist of only a space.
test:Test| :Space|test2:Test2
However, I'd be fine with ignoring white space before and after values and labels, so
test2 :Test2 |
test3 : Test3 |
te st4 : Test4
would be equivalent to:
test:Test|test2:Test2|test3:Test3|te st4:Test4
That behavioral improvement would have to be added. I'm curious what others think.