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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/2016 in all areas

  1. But i want some other service will use ONLY bitcoin and not paypal. How is that possible to do ? this can be done by adding a rule/code within a checkout file, I have done it, it's based on the blesta service group(s) condition, let me know if you need detail and I will post in the forum contribute section
    3 points
  2. "What can we say? Well, just look at the Blesta team Paul, Tyson and Cody, they are great, we ask them to add a new functionality and they add it, simple as that, no outher Hosting Billing System is as great, secure, open and well coded, as Blesta. I have tryed every Billing System out there and we recomend for European Hosting Business, Blesta as number one. Paulo Vidal - WebLX "
    2 points
  3. i have tested , created a new package in whm , created a custom lve settings for that package , then activated a new account from blesta . in the account cpanel, i see the lve limit that i have set for that package . so no issue for me .
    2 points
  4. maybe something like Configure::set("System.error_reporting.display", true); // enable/disable display error reporting Configure::set("System.error_reporting.admins_only", false); // true : display error reporting for admins only, false : display for all
    2 points

    Namesilo Plugin

    I can do it. But I have limited time and resources. And personally, I use dedicated DNS servers. If the demand is there, though, I'm willing to give it a shot. I might start a crowdfunding project.
    2 points
  6. Posted Today, 01:58 PM serge, on 18 May 2016 - 09:03 AM, said: Yes please it will be REALLY useful! and also a guide how to do this would be really really useful. Thank you Answer: I checked my file(s), I was wrong I made it but in an other shopping cart system, since I play with about 5 systems, what really I did was something close in blesta but no same as you asked, so here bellow untested code/instructions specifically for your need: in file /plugins/order/views/templates/wizard/checkout.pdt After this block: // Set non-merchant gateways foreach ($this->Html->ifSet($nonmerchant_gateways, array()) as $gateway) { ?> replace this block: <div class="radio"> <label> <?php $this->Form->fieldRadio("gateway", $this->Html->ifSet($gateway->id), ($this->Html->ifSet($vars->gateway) == $this->Html->ifSet($gateway->id)), array('class' => "gateway")); $this->Html->_($gateway->name); ?> </label> </div> by this block: <?php // from above foreach loop, by default blesta will list here all enabled gateway(s) on by one, so we add some conditions: // here the blesta package group(s) id for witch you want to hide a given gateway that is enabled in blesta interface if ($package_group->id == "4" OR $package_group->id == "10" ) { // the gateway(s) to hide when above package group id are concerned if ($gateway->id == "2" OR $gateway->id == "3") { // case: nothing to display } else { // case: gateway can be displayed: ?> <div class="radio"> <label> <?php $this->Form->fieldRadio("gateway", $this->Html->ifSet($gateway->id), ($this->Html->ifSet($vars->gateway) == $this->Html->ifSet($gateway->id)), array('class' => "gateway")); $this->Html->_($gateway->name); ?> </label> </div> <?php } } ?> So in last above block you have to fill your own package group id, and gateway id, you can find theses id from blesta interface when you edit package group or gateway, next just just find the id in the URL at the ending or close to.
    1 point
  7. yes , completly with blesta . i will check now the modify account page . edit ; there is no modify account in list account . modify exist in Home »Account Functions »Modify an Account , when i click in it , i didn't see any lve limit in this page . the lve limit i see it in Home »Server Configuration »CloudLinux LVE Manager
    1 point
  8. Package restrited is your friend . For registration fields no options now . You can only hide tax field.
    1 point
  9. I prefer to allow only staff to see irrors . That way you can see if your system has a issue .
    1 point
  10. To check how the plugin send the command to the module , check the cron.php it has a good road to begin with it . For other side the plugin should have a controller that lisen to command like Plugins/licence_api/api/(add/cancel/reissue) Licence_ami = plugin directory api = api.php inside controller (Add cancel reissue) = function inside api file Now you have the logic , you can use your way of coding .
    1 point
  11. I have cpanel servers . And every package created is take the lve limit . In lve settings there are option to make limits for every package . In my servers all work like well . But tomorow i will check this . Just to note , your case has nothing to do with the billing software is cpanel/clodlinux issue .
    1 point
  12. What is your expectation? A blank white page? The setting refers to the directory name within /app/views/ that contains the error templates. It's currently using /app/views/errors/*. Any documentation would be apart of the framework's documentation for minPHP. I'm not sure where Cody has placed that or if it is available.
    1 point
  13. The stack trace comes from the framework. Change /app/config/core.php Configure::set("System.debug", true); to Configure::set("System.debug", false); to remove the stack trace. The error page ("Something went wrong") will still be displayed, and is configured with Configure::set("System.error_view", "errors");
    1 point

    Namesilo Plugin

    Marketplace link: https://marketplace.blesta.com/#/extensions/27-Namesilo
    1 point
  15. Blesta Addons

    Delete/edit Event

    when we want to delete or edit a event the popup not loading . wa can add new event . the console return a jquery error TypeError: eventElement.resizable is not a function eventElement.resizable({
    1 point
  16. Blesta Addons

    Delete/edit Event

    sorryfor the lock of information , i'm refering to the calender's event. i confirm that delete/edit work on the month view . the staff can delete events of other staff ?
    1 point
  17. Paul

    Delete/edit Event

    Confirmed, thank you for the report: CORE-22015
    1 point
  18. I think if you search on google / github you could found a reseller API for blesta (maybe an old version you could use it as starting base), I think it's was from germany or a german man.
    1 point
  19. All the SSL/TLS certificates of The SSL Store™, are bought in bulk in extremely large quantities, which makes it easier to provide big discounts to clients. Apart from that, The SSL Store™ offers 24x7 Tech support for all the clients. So, feel free to go with The SSL Store™. Regarding the question you have for cPanel, I would like to share one blog post which will clear all your doubts. Link: https://www.thesslstore.com/blog/which-ssl-reseller-program-has-the-best-cpanel-plugin/ and for queries you got for Blesta, here's the answer for that, they itself suggest the module of The SSL Store™, so I can bet on it you won't regret your decision on choosing The SSL Store Module. Here's the link: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1636-module-thesslstore/
    1 point
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