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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/2016 in all areas

  1. Paul

    The Marketplace (Beta)

    We've soft launched the Marketplace (beta). https://marketplace.blesta.com/ You need to have a valid account with us as well as a developer license to list extensions on The Marketplace. No account is necessary to browse or download extensions from The Marketplace. Click "Developer? Log in / Sign up" in the bottom left. Enter your Blesta client area credentials from https://account.blesta.com/client/login. (You will always login with your current user/pass from the client area) Then, you may add and manage your extensions. Please only list extensions that you have created. There is no moderation process, so please play nice, we don't want to disable anyone's account. Also, this is a beta, so please report any issues or suggestions you may have. We'll be adding support for Github in the future, as well as many other improvements. The Marketplace will also be tightly integrated into Blesta in a future release.
    1 point
  2. brixsat

    How Do You Debug?

    Hello, Im doing a module for blesta, so it can work with centos web panel. But at some point i need to debug, xdebug but i was not able to do a debug session, it starts at line one of the index and if i say continue to run then it never reaches my breakpoints and gets stuck at loading the webpage in browser. How do you guys debug? I use php-storm and netbeans booth with x-debug.
    1 point
  3. Cody

    Release 3.6.1

    Version 3.6.1 is now available. You can download it in the Client Area. This is a patch release that corrects issues with 3.6.0. Patching Blesta See Patching Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Release Notes See Blesta Core - Version 3.6.1. See all Change Logs.
    1 point
  4. The stack trace comes from the framework. Change /app/config/core.php Configure::set("System.debug", true); to Configure::set("System.debug", false); to remove the stack trace. The error page ("Something went wrong") will still be displayed, and is configured with Configure::set("System.error_view", "errors");
    1 point
  5. You could do something like that for your installation. I imagine you could update /app/client_controller.php to add the same logic as /app/controllers/client_accounts.php for determining autodebit and displaying a message.
    1 point
  6. I think he's joking. We aren't going to use a testimonial from ourselves. (I would consider using a testimonial from Bill Lang though, but not Terry Bull)
    1 point
  7. Kinda weird that you post a testimonial for your own app ?! Lol, should be for customers ... i think Anyways, blesta is a secure app and i like it. At least is not like some microsoft comp websites using linux server in place of their own shit, :-)
    1 point
  8. You need to create an order form under Packages > Order Forms, and add the package groups you want to offer to it. Under the "Settings" tab on Packages > Order, you can set which order form should be the "default", which is the one that will load when you go to /order/ One other tip is that under Billing, you should have the "Orders" widget. Click the cog/gear icon in the upper right and you can subscribe to order notification emails.
    1 point
  9. 1. Yes, orders can be automatically approved and provisioned. This is part of an Automation task (Settings > Company > Automation) that runs as part of the cron. 2. I am not aware of any issues with CloudLinux or CageFS limits. I'd suggest downloading 3.6.1 and installing the free trial, and giving it a spin. (Just select free trial when prompted for a license key) If you have any questions or run into any issues, we can help.
    1 point
  10. AshleyUk

    Blesta Litespeed Error

    Removing XCache solved the issue.
    1 point
  11. jbincs

    Namesilo Plugin

    This may be true that they are lazy in developing a blesta module. However, the plugin benefits Blesta more than Namesilo. I don't foresee any Namesilo members choosing Blesta over Namesilo. In the end, Namesilo members will be forced to other hosting applications. Remember, people don't buy hosting applications and then see which domain registrars are available. It works the other way around. Those who are members of domain registrars look to see which hosting platform is available for them. Therefore, Blesta's growth depends on which providers are supported, but domain registrars aren't dependent on which hosting platform supports them. People get domains first. Not too long ago a Clientexec plugin popped up on Namesilo. So that will leave Blesta out of the mix. I have a Hostbill and WHMCS license. However, development is more open on Blesta (for which I have use for custom plugins I want developed). However, if I cannot , why would I consider Blesta over the others? I do hope a Namesilo plugin is developed though. I'd like to invest in Blesta because of it's openess in which I can have customization. Because of this, I would invest in Blesta for a long term. My suggestion would be: If it's sooo simple to develop a Namesilo plugin, Blesta should just lose the ego and take the small amount of time to get it done, an done well to start capturing more sales, which would help in further development and growth. A simple business logic, from a Business Analyst. Just food for thought.
    1 point
  12. we are now facing some lock of feature in modules , at least we need modules to be able to register widgets and events . for widgets we can use plugin instead , but is a bad task for us, we prefer to group the word in one side , not is a deferent sides . events is the important thing that should be added to blesta , we can't control add/suspend/unsuspend/delete actions of modules via plugins . let say we have a plugin that it should act when activating a service for a specific module , we can't achieve this proccess . for tabs , we need to allow some staff to access just the TAB X and other staff can access TAB Y , and allow all to access general TAB . i hope the ideas well explained .
    1 point
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