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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/2016 in all areas

  1. "since first beta release in 2007 we are sleeping well , with the new revamp in v3 and earlier , we get more control and power of extending the soft . in simple word blesta is simple, easy, modular, open code and very secure" . Mohamed Anouar Achoukhy , NH Group .
    3 points
  2. "Blesta is built from the ground up to meet the billing needs of small and medium-sized businesses, like ourselves, by automating every-day actions so that we can focus more on expanding our business to meet the needs and expectations of our customers." - Tyson Phillips, Phillips Data, Inc.
    2 points
  3. "Blesta is multi-company/multi-domain able system build to rock. Not like hyped competitors with low quality plugins/modules. With Blesta, ignore the noise, test it, learn it and follow your choice!" Serge Frankin, NetPublica.
    2 points
  4. Paul

    Delete/edit Event

    Confirmed, thank you for the report: CORE-22015
    2 points
  5. I'm not a security person but I know Webmin / Virtualmin had a good response from the security guys who help our industry. But be aware of the security panels like Sentora / zPanel they are bad, and Kloxo is another bad free one.
    2 points
  6. "The most important thing in our company, is the security, We opted to use Blesta because is secure and functional. Thanks to Blesta is 99% Open Code we can develop our plugins and customise the code to our needs." - Abdy Franco - CyanDark International.
    2 points
  7. "We opted to use Blesta from the get go after the re-branding of our business. It's functional, customisable and more importantly it just works. We fully expect to be using Blesta for the forseeable future. Kris Maguire - Austenite Web Hosting.
    2 points
  8. "We migrated to Blesta in 2013 because we were concerned about the security and safety of our customers, and we've never looked back. I wish we found Blesta earlier" - Michael Dance, Licensecart Or you can use CubicWebs since Callum is going to use it and we moved to Blesta when it was CubicWebs ;D
    2 points
  9. Paul

    Email Piping

    hm, ya, your department is going to have to be unique. That explains it.
    1 point
  10. jmf421

    Email Piping

    Ok so the employees email was the same email as the piping. So it got stuck in a loop when I updated that ticket. Basically it send the employee a notification and then that piped, sent the employee a notification and then piped. So many times that blesta still works but that ticket cannot be opened anymore...lol
    1 point
  11. Tyson

    Convert Service To Addon

    That would be possible. There would have to be an option to assign the service as an addon to another service. It would be possible for you to update the database to perform this action manually if you wanted to, but you should know that the addon service should never be a parent to another addon service (i.e. no nesting addon services).
    1 point
  12. serge

    How Do You Debug?

    I only rely on webmin/virtualmin as from experience, I found any other panel buggy a lot or finally fully modify the distro (like cpanel), so webmin/virtualmin do not modify the distro, you can still use regular distro command line in case you need. if you do not like their default design/template: this free one is modern & work fine: https://github.com/qooob/authentic-theme
    1 point
  13. serge

    Pre-Sales Queries

    regarding affiliation, I was able to make blesta checkout work with https://www.postaffiliatepro.com/ tracking I could give more detail if wanted
    1 point
  14. Blesta Addons

    How Do You Debug?

    Webmin is your friend
    1 point
  15. Michael

    How Do You Debug?

    Security experts claim there's a lot of security issues in their control panel: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1533898&p=9589180#post9589180 CentOS Web Panel should NOT be used in a production environment; riddled with far too many security vulnerabilities. They are the guys who find issues and report them to vendors to be fixed. They are also very trusted in the hosting industry and until they say otherwise I wouldn't touch it myself. Oh and Keith found some: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1464459&p=9399436#post9399436 but he reported them to the developers but I believe they might have fixed the ones he found. But Patrick and Steven said there are far too many.
    1 point
  16. Tyson

    Template Parse Error

    The braces used by styles and JavaScript (i.e. { and }), conflict with the H2o parser for tag replacement in email templates. The parser expects variables to be between the braces, e.g., {service.name}, but since you have CSS styles defined, you have { padding-top: 0 !important; ... }, which is invalid H2o tag syntax. You can either use inline-styles instead, or you can update your config file in /config/blesta.php to change the characters used by the H2o parser to something else, like two braces. The latter requires every area in Blesta that defines variables parseable by H2o (e.g. the portal, all email templates, package welcome email templates, the universal module, etc.) to be updated to use the new characters you define. I also notice that you are defining a lot of base HTML tags, like the body and head tags. I presume this is a "full-page template", but the WYSIWYG does not support this by default. The WYSIWYG will strip your html, head, and body tags. To keep them, you would need to update the ckeditor configuration. i.e. Update /vendors/ckeditor/config.js and find at the bottom of the file: config.entities = false; And add below it: config.fullPage = true;
    1 point
  17. A task has already been created to support this behavior, but it has not yet been completed. See CORE-1269.
    1 point
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