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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2016 in all areas

  1. We are happy to show to all the community our brand new website. More than 5 months of hard work, With a custom CMS developed from scratch and fully integrated with the Blesta API. PS: Zyan Panel = Blesta. Now we are social, you can find CyanDark in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube. Check our new website: www.cyandark.com
    2 points
  2. Tyson

    Redirect Error

    The system automatically redirects users to login to the last page they were previously on when they were logged out, as a matter of convenience. So if you were logged in as an admin, and you also went to a client profile and clicked to "Login as Client", you would be in the client interface. If at this point you were to logout, the last page you were on was in the client interface, and upon logging in again, you would be redirected to that page. I found it kind of annoying myself to login to the admin interface and be redirected to the client interface in these cases, so I changed it in CORE-2166 for v4 to no longer redirect to an alternate private interface. It's still possible to be redirected to the public interface on login, though, if that was where you had logged out previously. i.e. This won't happen anymore: But this can still happen:
    2 points
  3. OK guys! CORE-2204 No ETA of yet
    1 point
  4. I understand your problem regarding tax liability.Hope you solve your problem if not then contact any good Tax Lawyer.They have all information about taxation problems.
    1 point
  5. Awesome design . I really like how you added domain recommendations after domain search.
    1 point
  6. I'm using this for some time ago, looks very good and is more intuitive.
    1 point
  7. No, I mean when the transaction was created, i.e., when a record was created in Blesta for receipt of payment by the customer. In most cases, the invoice associated with the payment would have been created sometime earlier. It would appear in the tax liability report. The date you filter by for the tax liability report refers to the date the invoice was closed, meaning that 100% of the invoice total must be paid within that date range. The transaction reports are a bit different, as the filter dates refer to the date the payment was received. The date the payment was received is not necessarily the same date that invoices are closed. It's possible to make a payment a year ago, but only have that amount applied to an invoice today. In this case, the invoice would appear in the tax liability report for today while the transaction reports would have included it a year ago.
    1 point
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