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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/2016 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. Paul

    Russian Payment Systems

    Which single gateway is the most popular for Russia? If we were to implement only 1 at the moment, which should it be?
    1 point
  3. Do you always create a new note, or edit an existing note, after you delete one?
    1 point
  4. Paul

    Pre-Sales Queries

    We have had a few requests, but it hasn't bubbled up to a high enough priority yet. Also, someone already released an announcement plugin that you can get at http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3180-plugin-announcement-released/ Yes, after/during our planned refactor. I don't have an ETA. Services are recurring in nature, so we wouldn't consider web design or development a service in the same respect. Unless you are billing on a retainer or something. Most people track hours outside of Blesta, and invoice for development work from Blesta. No service necessary. I think we would need more information on how you provide and bill these kinds of services to get a good understanding of the issue. Yes, development work is a "service", but it does not typically recur for the same amount every x period (monthly for example), and so it doesn't fit well into what Blesta considers a service. Do you plan to integrate PowerDNS into existing services, via other modules, or offer it as a standalone DNS service?
    1 point
  5. jobplease

    Blesta Litespeed Error

    Thank you all. Appreciate the effort.
    1 point
  6. jobplease

    Blesta Litespeed Error

    same here, My errors fixed also.
    1 point
  7. That seems to make more sense, updated my comment. Billing > Cancellation Requests
    1 point
  8. as the title see, update ckeditor to latest version .
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Tyson

    Error On A Fresh Install

    Are you using xCache? If so, try disabling it. A couple other threads (here and here) report an identical issue when using xCache.
    1 point
  11. I have just tried restoring entire home directory from backup and everything is working fine now. I haven't made any recent changes to the account/server settings, not sure what happened. Anyway I was able to update the new logo Looking forward for Blesta 4 Thank you Paul & Mike.
    1 point
  12. This is fixed in CORE-2179 for v4.0.
    1 point
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