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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/2016 in all areas

  1. I thought I posted this but I haven't but I think it would be an awesome way to show the credit card style when adding a card to their account or when checking out. It mimics the card they have now Pingdom did it in 2012 but I'm not sure if they used the idea as it was in beta in 2012. Pingdom = http://royal.pingdom.com/2012/11/27/new-credit-card-design/ Open source = https://github.com/jessepollak/card Demo = https://jessepollak.github.io/card/
    1 point
  2. hello from v2 , it was a option in invoice edit mode showing if the line are attached to a service or not it was just a asterisk in the line end (*) . this asterisk was very helpful for staff to know if the invoice has any relation with a service , now we can't find wich invoice we should change over due date to prevent service suspension . a realm scenario , we have a service X , the system generate a invoice in their renewal date set , the client sometime order the same service for this service, the staff create a invoice with the same label and price , and we give the client some time between the two invoice, is some case the client request changing the due date , the staf can't determinate wich invoice to edit , they need to change them all now,(5/6 invoices) , and normally they can change just the one attached to the service . sorry, v2 was wonderfull for our work just for this little tips in core
    1 point
  3. Full Integrated to Blesta by Tordi11 Original Theme http://themeforest.net/item/hoster-hosting-service-html-template/11833611?s_rank=48 Previews: Demo: http://biserver.es/ Dowload: http://tordi11.com/ You can get your integration from 10 USD on my skype: tordi11 or mail tordillos2@gmail.com Thanks
    1 point
  4. Paul

    Rename Payment Gateway

    Most likely in a language file.. got hits on these.. /language/en_us/client_accounts.php / transactions.php / accounts.php (and some others, but more likely to be one of these.
    1 point
  5. Oh, it looks like it is issued under the MIT license... this is good news! https://jessepollak.github.io/card/ Who wants it? +1 if you want it, +2 if you really want it. I think it could add to the user experience, so I like it.
    1 point
  6. The simplest thing is to edit the /app/views/client/bootstrap/structure.pdt file which contains the header/footer for the client area. Tweak it to fit by adding your own header/footer code and/or include an overrides css file to override the default styles. Then, click over and read Mike's thread above if you want to know more
    1 point
  7. Services:add Invoices::createFromServices
    1 point
  8. Is the upgrade a queued service change? If so, when you edit the service, you should see a message at the top of the page that reads, "This service has pending changes. Updating this service to upgrade or downgrade any of its values will cause the current pending changes to be canceled." What you can do in this case is scroll down to the "Upgrade/Downgrade" section. Uncheck the "Prorate" and "Use Module" options, and click to save the changes. This will result in the queued service change being canceled (no new queued service change will be created), and the associated invoice will be voided automatically.
    1 point
  9. activa

    One Service Per Person

    i remember this was already talked several times , but i don't know if a task exist for it .
    1 point
  10. Michael

    One Service Per Person

    Feature request so we can be ensured there is a CORE as I can't see it on the public tasks.
    1 point
  11. unzip the file and Rename the folder to "cpanelextended" before you upload it to components/modules/ After that, login to Blesta and go to Settings -->> Modules -->> Available and install it. Everything should go smooth and you can configure your server(s) and package(s) after that.
    1 point
  12. Blesta Addons

    Check For Login

    to see if admin logged : $this->Session->read("blesta_staff_id") to see if client is logged $this->Session->read("blesta_client_id")
    1 point
  13. Michael

    Check For Login

    Yeah you can use: $this->parent->requireLogin();
    1 point
  14. Please see CORE-2190. I suggested using the fa-cog font awesome icon instead of an asterisk to indicate which items are attached to a service. I added this near the top of the backlog in the "Short Term" bucket. Please feel free to bump this during the v4 beta, we could probably add it in during the beta.
    1 point
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