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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/2016 in all areas

  1. Thanks for the report. This is fixed in CORE-2178 for v4.0.
    2 points
  2. FYI, the issue described in this thread is assigned to CORE-2167.
    2 points
  3. Michael

    Notification On Registration

    My Info > Notices > Account Registration If you don't have any notices: Settings > System > Staff > Staff groups > Admin: Edit > At the bottom tick the boxes and then do the above.
    2 points
  4. DO NOT Ask for an Audit on any of CubeData's modules/plugins as sorry but if you are just one person asking for a audit sorry but we do not do audits unless a majority of our customers request that. This has been sought out forever for there to finally be a opennebula provisioning module for any billing panel so that a provider can use opennebula instead of the properterity solusvm and virtualizor cp's and to you know shake up the status quo as anyone can become a vps provider with solusvm or virtualizor and whmcs or blesta as many people want to have something different then the status quo they want to use a free "cloud" panel like opennebula to run their vps services and not be like everyone else that just uses the usual combo of solusvm+blesta or whmcs This provisioning module will allow you to do that and be able to use opennebula as your cp for your vps services instead of what is currently the combo. Be Different and Be Unique in the vps market by using opennebula+blesta instead. As OpenNebula doesn't cost anything and is great for providers trying to cut back costs on vps panels and also is great for trying to remarket your self as not just "another vps provider" but one that uses the "cloud" as your vps services. So enough promotional & marketing talk I will just say what it will cost to get this great module(though is subject to change at any time): $7/Month/Per Blesta Install It can now be ordered at my usual url: https://cubedata.net/order/main/packages/cart/?group_id=1 And will be listed on the marketplace for blesta in a second. It has been added to the marketplace for blesta now.
    1 point
  5. Tyson

    Enom Module - Nameservers

    This is fixed in CORE-2180 for v4.0.
    1 point
  6. This issue is fixed in v4.0.
    1 point
  7. The processor has been updated in CORE-1108 for v4.0. Only use the Google exchange rate processor after upgrading to v4.0.
    1 point
  8. This issue is fixed in v4.0
    1 point
  9. Tyson

    Value Of Datetime In Database

    A TIMESTAMP data type has limited range. Instead of a 9,000 year range of DATETIME (1000 through 9999), TIMESTAMP's have a range of 1970 through 2038, which is the signed 32-bit UNIX number of seconds since that start date. This can be problematic in the near future (if it's not already) for some instances, such as service renewal dates, which are stored in the future. Performing date conversions, or any other automated data manipulation, at the database level separates logic from the application. This can be useful in some cases, but has the trade-off of additional complexity in both implementation, testing, and understanding of the application. Additional complexity often leads to more bugs. If auto-conversion occurred for dates retrieved by a DBA that is manually fetching records, there is the question of what timezone he should be converting to. Will the DBA know that it may not be the database's timezone, server timezone, or even the PHP timezone that needs to be used? Will he know that the timezone is dependent upon the company that the data is associated with? The company timezone is stored as a setting, and would have to be referenced for the particular data set being fetched. If not careful, it's possible to fetch records for multiple companies of different timezones in the same query, in which case some dates may be incorrect (if the dates were auto-converted).
    1 point
  10. Paul

    Duplicate Invoice

    Are you sure you aren't double clicking the button to create the invoice? Do you think this is occurring when you create the invoice at the same exact moment it is saving a draft? I create a lot of manual invoices and this has yet to happen to me.
    1 point
  11. Michael, I confirmed with licensepal that I would have to update and pay the transfer fee. - $25 transfer fee - $39 Support & Updates
    1 point
  12. value

    Notification On Registration

    Thank you very much. All sorted!
    1 point
  13. The code is encrypted for licensing purposes, so sorry the source code won’t be released, and we won’t be going anywhere as I put my heart, blood and soul into my business and if the worst came to the worst we would most likely pass it onto the developers
    1 point
  14. Thanks for the suggestion, We will look in to the code of the default cPanel Plugin for add this useful feature.
    1 point
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