The code is encrypted for licensing purposes, so sorry the source code won’t be released, and we won’t be going anywhere as I put my heart, blood and soul into my business and if the worst came to the worst we would most likely pass it onto the developers
we have received some compliant about the phone number of the doain is always +(CC).1111111
after a search i have found the module fetch the clients info but is not getting the phone numbers .
$client = $this->Clients->get($vars['client_id']);
$client->numbers is not defined .
it should be
$client = $this->Clients->get($vars['client_id']);
$client->numbers = $this->Contacts->getNumbers($client->contact_id);
I purchased the licence from licencepal for $84.95 on 05/16/2013.
I then purchased the "Blesta support & updates renewal" from licensepal for $39.00 on 10/18/2014 so it should have expired on 10/18/2015 not 2014.
Please see
In order to transfer there is:
- A $25 transfer fee
- Support & Updates must be valid (It's $39 to renew)
The expect international format I had same issue with the plugin
They expect an international format and for some reason it don't seem to pass right. Similar issue actually with the gogetssl plugin.
I went and looked it up because I've noticed this happening too but it wasn't really a big deal. It's not setting the phone number within the logicboxes account.
The file is components/logicboxes/logicboxes.php and it's line 206. They do expect International formatting.
I found this on line 234 and I'm not sure if it's part of the issue as well: $vars['phone'] = $part[1] != "" ? $part[1] : "1111111";
Nope he said it expired in 2014, which would be when the support and updates expired for $99 licenses (not sure what price it was at LicensePal when the OP bought it).
okay I wanted to use opennebula as well but there was no billing module for it for anything.
So I decided to craft one up. I am glad you like it.
feel free to order a free trial off my website or just jump right in and order the full module for $7/month.