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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/2016 in all areas

  1. When recording a payment I cannot use "X,XX" as amount: Amount must be a number. Just a very tiny bug I never found time to report. :-) André
    1 point
  2. ModuleMatic

    Gift Card Addon

    We are working in a Plugin for Gift Cards.
    1 point
  3. Hi, We don't recommend create 1 package per TLD, We use in CyanDark 1 Package per Price, For Example The following TLDS: .com .net .org .info Have the same price, We create 1 package for this TLDs.
    1 point
  4. this fix should be added to the core module .
    1 point
  5. +1 for this . in v2.5 it was showing the full note with option to save/delete from the same windows . now i will describe the soufrance we have now . first to see the note detail you need to click in note , if you want to delete it , click in notes left side, then click delete . 3 task to see and delete the note . in v2.5 1 click to delete , 0 click to see it . how i miss you v2.5
    1 point
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