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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/2016 in all areas

  1. You mean "top scripts"..ha-ha,I should scroll down ...
    3 points
  2. You will upgrade to v4 just like any other v3 upgrade as long as you have Support and Updates still valid.
    2 points
  3. I think mate they want to show the error when logged in as a admin.
    1 point
  4. Tyson

    Tcadmin Module?

    There's no ETA on this module's completion yet. Other tasks have taken priority for the time being. I would suspect that we would come back around to determine when this task could be done post v4.1.
    1 point
  5. Ok, i'll try to report some "language" issues or missing (as reported in our check-list; some already fixed with custom fix or plugin, but i report these for a general view): - Settings > Company > General > Localization: “Calendar Start Day”, “Date Format” and “Date Time Format” should be a settings in language file (otherwise i select a date format not correct for user language) - In Settings > Company > Invoice Customization, make “Terms” multi-lingual - Make email “signature” multi-lingual - Product description is not multi-language (maybe also product name) - Support Department name and description and is not multi-language (low priority) - Knowledge base - invoice in email in default admin language, no user language - Plugin name in menu - allow for a separate, translatable, name/description to be used rather than the gateway name (http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4061-allow-for-a-separate-translatable-namedescription-of-the-gateway-name/) ... (last but not least) frontend and url (as your http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4717-multilanguage-urls/)! Others maybe not really "multi-language" (more "localization" better than an "internationalization" issue): - In client contact “State/Province” question (e.g. in Italy we have State=Regions and Provinces, main cities in Regions, but select box enums all together) - format-tax-rate as in http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3564-format-tax-rate/#entry26484 Thanks
    1 point
  6. Rocketz

    Percentage Based Options

    I want to offer a service addon that is a % of the main package value For example, I have 5 products that are different pricing. Let's say 10 dollars, 20, 30, 40 and 50 I want to create 1 option, which would be a % for each. So let's say I want it to be 10% of the main package pricing, the option, if selected with a product would be 1 dollar, 2 dollars, 3-4-5 and so on. This would avoid creating an option for each product, which gets tedious and hard to manage. I'm not seeing how to do this right now. Any help?
    1 point
  7. Michael

    Percentage Based Options

    There's no default option to do this, you can hack the core but this is a nice feature request.
    1 point
  8. Nelsa

    Add Free Package Options

    Well you need to go packages--->options--->create new option Term must be greater than 0 since it is related to period,so if you put 1 in term and select month,it is one month period.Value is related to option in terms of provisioning so it also must be more than 0 and you want to be unique for every option. Name is name for that option...I don't know does this has sence for you. For example I have Traffic booster as option,Name is Traffic booster,Value 1,Term 1 month. For you option should look like: Label;this is not shown to user Name;name of location Value;1 for first,2 for second... Term; set number of days/weeks/months/years for billing period(must match package term). Type,select how you want user choose option...i.e select from drop menu,select check box, radio button...
    1 point
  9. For reference: https://github.com/NETLINK/Blesta-Namesilo
    1 point
  10. Tyson

    How To Add Clients From Api

    Can you dump the response and any errors? i.e. print_r($response->response()); print_r($response->errors()); What you have looks like it should work to me. Are you able to perform a simpler action, like the example in the docs--fetching a user by ID? $response = $api->get("users", "get", array('user_id' => 1));
    1 point
  11. I like the idea of making more data available, but this is something we'll need to discuss internally first.
    1 point
  12. Paul

    Blesta 4.0 Beta In April?

    The goal is v4 beta this month, but we still have some work ahead of us. No official ETA, but also not a good idea to use beta 1 in production. Running a report and using another mailer is the best way to go for now. Maybe Cody or Tyson can chime in with the proper query you can use.
    1 point
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