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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/2016 in all areas

  1. Thank you! I'm moving on to the admin functions now. I'm going to create an email template and add a link to the admin Account Actions that can be used to send the statements via email.
    2 points
  2. Paul

    Pre-Sales Queries

    Oh, it only supports TLS 1.0, that may be the issue. Plugins/Modules from v3.6 will work in 4.0. The new minPHP is backwards compatible.
    2 points
  3. Update to ticket {ticket_hash_code}: {ticket.summary}
    2 points

    Client Billing Statement

    Okay, I made some more improvements... The currency information is now retrieved via the Invoice::invoicedCurrencies() method. If a client has invoices in multiple currencies, then the client will be able to select the currency from the dropdown box shown in the screenshot. Client can select between 6 month, 12 month, or 24 month statements. Client can select whether to open the statement in the browser window or force a PDF download. Company name, address and telephone number are retrieved via Configure::get( "Blesta.company ). The client will see an alert for overdue invoices on the Account Statement window, with a Pay Now button. I think those are the main features. I'm attaching 2 screenshots. One is the Account Statement screen and the other is the rendered PDF statement. I'll update the repo shortly (20 minutes or so). If anyone wants to test it out on their own system, any feedback is welcome, of course.
    2 points
  5. it would be wonderfull if the Predefined Response support multi-languages .
    1 point
  6. I like the idea of making more data available, but this is something we'll need to discuss internally first.
    1 point
  7. If you were to do it that way, by changing the service's invoice such that the system does not consider it when renewing/suspending the service, then what you described can work. From a technical stand-point, you are removing the service relation from the invoice line item. You can accomplish similar behavior directly from the database by setting a NULL value for the `invoice_lines`.`service_id` column for that particular invoice. You would want to ensure that none of the invoice line items are associated with the service ID anymore.
    1 point
  8. Paul

    Pre-Sales Queries

    There are some changes in the client area, but it's not a complete rewrite. When I say almost all files have changed, I mean mostly for formatting. That may make running a diff a bit of a hassle, but the number of client side templates with code changes is fairly minimal.
    1 point
  9. Thanks. I took a look and it appears to be a bug with the way the packages are listed with respect to their status and package group. We'll fix this apart of CORE-2164.
    1 point
  10. Not all tags are listed, see https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Support+Manager#SupportManager-SupportEmails for a more complete list of available tags.
    1 point
  11. Paul

    Pre-Sales Queries

    Here's a direct link to v4 development - https://dev.blesta.com/projects/CORE/versions/10603 We must have a lot of tasks private, there's 282 but it shows 152 issues in the version publicly. We are aiming for a beta later this month. Almost every single file has been updated in v4.
    1 point
  12. evolvewh

    Pre-Sales Queries

    4.0 is in development now. From what I hear, it's a major overhaul so it's taking longer than usual. You can track the progress here: dev.blesta.com
    1 point
  13. Why not use something like: Naja7Host {ticket.department_name} - {ticket.summary} #{ticket.code} [{ticket_hash_code}]
    1 point
  14. nice and hard work .
    1 point
  15. We are working in add features of WHM to cPanel Extended, Totally Free.
    1 point

    Client Billing Statement

    Thanks, Paul! Not yet, but I was actually planning to put some up. I just need to update the client view template, as I still had some stuff for debugging in there.
    1 point
  17. Paul

    Client Billing Statement

    Nice work! Just curious, are there any screenshots of this in action?
    1 point
  18. Paul

    Blesta 4.0 Beta In April?

    The goal is v4 beta this month, but we still have some work ahead of us. No official ETA, but also not a good idea to use beta 1 in production. Running a report and using another mailer is the best way to go for now. Maybe Cody or Tyson can chime in with the proper query you can use.
    1 point
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