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I sow in your post your IPN callback url is http://somedomain.tld/callback/gw/paypal_payments_standard while it should be(missing ...../1/.....) http://somedomain.tld/callback/gw/1/paypal_payments_standard3 points
Yeah, I think there were issues using Google direct at the time it was implemented. Maybe we didn't like the fact that we have to parse out the answers from HTML rather than a proper API.2 points
Like this? CORE-2158 See screenshot.2 points
It's not a bug, the API we were using just no longer works. See CORE-1108. Looks like we may are making an effort to get it resolved in v4.2 points
i think navigation , events, task need the upgrade process to see the change . we have the same issue, and naja7host has send me a tips to avoid this , just increment the plugin version , then upgrade the plugin from manager , you will see the change .2 points
I mentioned this is the documentation, thanks!1 point
Paypal To Stripe Switch
activa reacted to richwalker for a question
Just the process of switching from paypal to stripe. When putting a live transaction through i get Oh noes!Cannot use object of type stdClass as array on line 303 in /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.co.uk/httpdocs/components/gateways/merchant/stripe_gateway/stripe_gateway.php Server error logs PHP Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.co.uk/httpdocs/components/gateways/merchant/stripe_gateway/stripe_gateway.php on line 303, referer: https://mydomain.co.uk/admin/clients/makepayment/168/14913/ 2016-04-03 20:28:02 Error PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'UnknownException' with message 'Invalid callback Session::sessionWrite, cannot access private method Session::sessionWrite()' in Unknown:0, referer: https://mydomain.co.uk/admin/clients/makepayment/168/14913/ 2016-04-03 20:28:02 Error Stack trace:, referer: https://mydomain.co.uk/admin/clients/makepayment/168/14913/ 2016-04-03 20:28:02 Error #0 [internal function]: UnknownException::setErrorHandler(2, 'Invalid callbac...', 'Unknown', 0, NULL), referer: https://mydomain.co.uk/admin/clients/makepayment/168/14913/ 2016-04-03 20:28:02 Error #1 {main}, referer: https://mydomain.co.uk/admin/clients/makepayment/168/14913/ 2016-04-03 20:28:02 Error thrown in Unknown on line 0, referer: https://mydomain.co.uk/admin/clients/makepayment/168/14913/1 point -
Reload Plugin / Refresh Code
NETLINK reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
just increase the version number . the upgrade proccess for plugin always remove from database all events/task/navigation and add the new ones in plugin file .1 point -
I do miss this feature from v2.5. It's good for staff to be able to specify which server to use when manually provisioning. See CORE-21561 point
Yeah, I'll work on it when I get a moment. I can probably hook it into the client interface. The mail template will take longer, I think. For me, personally, the mail thing is more important because most of my clients never log in to Blesta. They get their invoices via email and then either pay by credit car or cheque. But I'll see what I can do about hooking the statement into the client menu. I don't think it should take too long to do that.1 point
1 point
Okay, guys. Here we go... https://github.com/NETLINK/BlestaClientStatements I've tested it a bit and it seems to be working well. Right now, it's a standalone script. Would just have to figure out how to create the access key and maybe create an email template with the link and access hash included. It's an MD5 hash made up of: [ClientID][ClientFirstName ClientLastName (ClientCompany)][ClientEmailAddress][salt] Line 48: $md5 = md5( $d['id'] . $d['client'] . $d['email'] . $salt ); But obviously, it would be a lot better to have it integrated with Blesta, like a plugin, as Naja suggested. Looking forward to thoughts/ideas.1 point
Cron Job Been Excuting For Over 60 Minutes Warning?
activa reacted to Blesta Addons for a question
i have the same issue with cron , the stacked cron is the suspend cron . i have enabled the error login , deleted the task , re-run the cron manually , but the cron hs not been run again . Attempting to run all tasks for XXXXX. All tasks have been completed. Attempting to run all system tasks. All system tasks have been completed. the cron setting show last run for Suspend Services 12:00:21 AM . is the same time i have set it to run !!! now we have two days of services that has not suspended . any road to go with it ?1 point -
How Date Are Working In Blesta !
activa reacted to Blesta Addons for a question
i think i have found the bug . 02-04-2015 00:00 - 1Hour = 01-04-2016 23:00 and not 02-04-2015 23:00 i think blesta is converting time from UTC to UTC(-/+)X without make in consideration the date .1 point -
I'm not sure why that is either, but I've added CORE-2154 to address it. I see staff listed under gateway logs, though. No staff entry would indicate it was performed by the system.1 point
We should be able to fix the fatal error you encountered in CORE-2153. However, Stripe thinks you have invalid authentication credentials. You should double-check that your API key is correct, e.g., doesn't contain any unnecessary spaces, etc.1 point
Force Any Cron Task To Run Manually
a.daniello reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
we can run cron manually , but the action will just run the cron that should be run in the time set to it . it would be a good option to allow admin to force run a cron manually . like the suspend services, this very usefull for a cron that run 1 per day . today , we have found the suspend cron task stacked and has not ended . and no services was suspended . we can't run the cron again until the next day !!! so a option that allow admin force cron to run manually even if is not it time .1 point -
Why don't you just change the suspended date to the date after that way they don't get suspended? If they need time to pay that's what I do? PS: You knew V3 was a full re-write and features won't be the same. If you wanted that you could have asked for it on v3 in Alpha or asked the guys back then if they just improved v2.51 point
Looks great, a lot more modern and a step on the right direction. Great work!1 point
We Have Moved !
ariq01 reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
it has some own ideas and shema and wordkaround . we have split from it the multi-languages & cart_menu plugins that can feat anyone . if you want a powerfull blesta cms , i suggest a blesta cms of licencecart .1 point -
Logicboxes Reloaded - Extra Feature -
ariq01 reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
That is not a easy task . but I will try if get more free time1 point