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  1. when a client open a tiket , and a staff make a response , the status is open . when a client open a tiket , and a staff make a response, client make a response , the status is open . is better to add new status , waiting staff response .. that way the client know the ticket waiting other's response, the actual scenario , the client should always enter the ticket to see there is a new update .
    2 points
  2. Tyson

    A Case To Test

    If the service has not been suspended, adjust the invoice due date. If the service has been suspended, adjust the invoice due date and unsuspend the service. The staff that (un)suspended a service is logged in the `log_services` table in the database. It is not shown in the interface. However, you can always write a custom report to export them if you want.
    2 points
  3. hello from v2 , it was a option in invoice edit mode showing if the line are attached to a service or not it was just a asterisk in the line end (*) . this asterisk was very helpful for staff to know if the invoice has any relation with a service , now we can't find wich invoice we should change over due date to prevent service suspension . a realm scenario , we have a service X , the system generate a invoice in their renewal date set , the client sometime order the same service for this service, the staff create a invoice with the same label and price , and we give the client some time between the two invoice, is some case the client request changing the due date , the staf can't determinate wich invoice to edit , they need to change them all now,(5/6 invoices) , and normally they can change just the one attached to the service . sorry, v2 was wonderfull for our work just for this little tips in core
    1 point
  4. Blesta Warning System By CubeData This will serve as the placeholder for the Blesta Warning System by CubeData that is coming soon! it was suggested by @LicenseCart or Michael Dance and will feature a automated system that will issue "warning points" to accounts that don't pay there bills, have too many overdue invoices etc which will be configurable in the plugin's settings also this plugin will also automatically mark accounts that have too many warning points that you can set the threshold in the plugin's settings as well as to how many warning points are the max allowed and if a client reaches this max warning points or goes over it there account will be automatically switched to inactive preventing login and also serving as a sort of "ban system" to make sure they don't even try to order something else which they wouldn't pay for also. These warning points will also be editable in each individual client's accounts and this system will run as a cron job. This warning system plugin is sure to make everyone know that you mean business and if you don't pay up you will wish you did lol. as if you really want to make sure clients comply and pay for what they owe or bought display an optional "notice" on your homepage which would be a image showing the plugin is installed on your blesta and that you mean business hey if you want to scare your clients into complying go ahead lol(although like I said this will not be on by default and you would have to explicitly turn it on to show in the portal plugin or in blestacms if you have that from michael dance which would require manual code entry on both but it should work.) as it will be a image drawn by php that states the warning system plugin is installed and is enforcing and how many warning points you are allowed to get before you get the "can" lol. More will come later but this is just a placeholder for now for the new plugin CubeData is developing.
    1 point
  5. Tyson

    A Case To Test

    If a service is already suspended because of an unpaid invoice, changing the invoice due date will not affect the service status. The service will only be unsuspended via cron if it has been paid and if it was previously suspended by cron. In your case, the service should be unsuspended manually.
    1 point
  6. I agree and I think the statuses should be: Awaiting Client Reply (automatically set after a staff member responds) Awaiting Staff Reply (automatically set after a client responds to a ticket) Sorry to hijack a little bit but it would be really useful to see these statuses in the main list of tickets along with a 'from' column to show which client the ticket belongs to.
    1 point
  7. Radix

    Database Access

    Hi, Guys thanks for the heads up. I was not asking about encrypting or decrypting a user password. The link provided by Licensecart helped me. Yes i did read they are one way hashes. Anyways i got my solution. Your software is easy to use and understand. Great Work. Great Help. Thanks a lot!!! .... I'll keep posting if i face any other problems
    1 point
  8. 1.) Take a backup of your database. 2.) Install the support_manager plugin. 3.) remove the tables for the support_manager. 4.) rename the support_manager_pro tables to just support_manager and see if that works, if not restore the DB. The Blesta's default Support Manager has the following tables: support_attachments support_departments support_kb_article_categories support_kb_article_content support_kb_articles support_kb_categories support_replies support_response_categories support_responses support_settings support_staff_departments support_staff_schedules support_staff_settings support_tickets
    1 point
  9. Tyson

    Database Access

    You can't decrypt user passwords in Blesta because passwords in Blesta are not encrypted. They are one-way hashes. There is no valid case where you should know someone else's password. If a user cannot login for some reason, they should change their password to something else.
    1 point
  10. The server used to provision services based on your package depends on your module settings. If the module supports grouping module rows (i.e. servers), then you can put them in a group when you manage the module. Then, on the package, instead of selecting a specific module row (i.e. server) for the package, you select the package group instead, and the servers will be provisioned on any of them based on the Add Order defined for the module. Currently, there is only a "First non-full-server" Add Order, so services will be provisioned on the first server until it's full, then continue on to the next server. In version 4.0, modules like cPanel will have another option to evenly distribute services to each of the module rows in the module group.
    1 point
  11. It's a guide to help you, you have to do what I did with your own template. If it's conflicting and causing issues you need to ensure you don't have two javascript files or two css files which are the same. e.g.: bootstrap.css from blesta and bootstrap.css from your theme. Both will cancel each out.
    1 point
  12. Michael

    Database Access

    Have a look at Enom's module for it, but again they shouldn't use a password but a hash for APIs in my opinion.
    1 point
  13. Michael

    Database Access

    Please see: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4259-encryption-in-blesta/?p=31692
    1 point
  14. CORE-1686 will be in 4.0, which causes unpaid (and not past due) invoices to be voided when a service is cancelled. For auto cancellation, there is a plugin that already ships with 3.6 called Auto Cancel that can automatically schedule services for cancellation after a certain period of time. These will work together, meaning, services scheduled for cancellation with this plugin will have unpaid invoices voided (that are not past due) when cancelled.
    1 point
  15. eversmile_host

    Faceblesta Theme

    Congrats mate. Looking awesome. next is twitblesta ?
    1 point
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