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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/28/2016 in all areas

  1. we have used blesta from the beta release 1 , we have used it and it was simple and what we need , some features we have created a standalone page that we have used to do our jobs , like move services/invoices/transactions between clients . after release of v3 , we have been happy to see it and it features and the most important 2 factors was "open source" and "security" , we have adapted some modules and plugins to that version , but have not upgraded for some internal decision and cases . after 2 years of watching and seeing what happen , we have finally decided to move, 6 months of test and test and test , we have decided today to move . we have used blesta and some our custom plugins to build a new website fronted and billing , that we will release some of them . - Multi-Languages Plugin , convert blesta to a true multi-languages site (urls & navigation links) . we will release it soon . - blesta Hosting CMS (we will not release it , sorry ) - Cart Menu Plugin, display cart and content in any blesta page . we will release it soon . - Hosting Order template , the only true hosting order template , we will release it soon . Now is time to watch and see the bugs/errors that can occur . and fix them . after i will dedicate a more time to help in blesta plugins/modules .
    3 points
  2. also from using v2 , we have found in v3 that invoice past due date has the same color as other invoice, it would be nice to see a red color in invoice date due . client and admin side . a condition like client side <td<?php echo ($invoices[$i]->date_due < date("c") ? " class=\"text-danger\"" : "") ;?>> admin side <td<?php echo ($invoices[$i]->date_due < date("c") ? " class=\"red_txt\"" : "") ;?>> we prefer to see it in the core files .
    2 points
  3. That's right, we did have this in v2 didn't we? It's a nice feature because I don't have to do date math in my head to know if the customer is behind. CORE-2145
    2 points
  4. This might help a few people, you can't use PHPIDs with this at the moment. This is designed for my business but edit as you please, you can keep it the same and just edit the business name, etc. please make sure your Service Creation template only has these: Html: {package.email_html} Text: {package.email_text} Then in the welcome emails put the following: Dear {client.first_name} {client.last_name}, PLEASE READ THIS EMAIL IN FULL AND PRINT IT FOR YOUR RECORDS Thank you for your order from us! Your hosting account has now been setup and this email contains all the information you will need in order to begin using your account. If you have requested a domain name during sign up, please keep in mind that your domain name will not be visible on the internet instantly. This process is called propagation and can take up to 48 hours. Until your domain has propagated, your website and email will not function, we have provided a temporary url which you may use to view your website and upload files in the meantime. New Account Information Hosting Package: {package.package} Domain: {service.cpanel_domain} Package Price: {pricing.price | numberformat 2, ".", ","} Package Period: {pricing.period} Cancellation Fee after 10 days of your first product with us: {pricing.cancel_fee | numberformat 2, ".", ","} Login Details Username: {service.cpanel_username} Password: **** [Password Hidden for security reasons] Control Panel URL: http://{module.host_name}:2082/ Once your domain has propogated, you may also use http://www.{service.cpanel_domain}:2082/'>http://www.{service.cpanel_domain}:2082/ Server Information Server IP: {module.host_name} If you are using an existing domain with your new hosting account, you will need to update the nameservers to point to the nameservers listed below. {% for name_server in module.name_servers %} Name server: {name_server}{% endfor %} Uploading Your Website Temporarily you may use one of the addresses given below to manage your web site: Temporary FTP Hostname: {module.host_name} Temporary FTP Username: {service.cpanel_username} Temporary FTP Password: cPanel Password And once your domain has propagated you may use the details below: FTP Hostname: {service.cpanel_domain} Webpage URL: http://www.{service.cpanel_domain} Email Settings For email accounts that you setup, you should use the following connection details in your email program: POP3 Host Address: mail.{service.cpanel_domain} SMTP Host Address: mail.{service.cpanel_domain} Username: The email address you are checking email for. Password: As specified in your control panel. Thank you for choosing CubicWebs. It will look like this: ======================================================= ======================================================= InterWorx Version ======================================================= Dear {client.first_name} {client.last_name}, PLEASE READ THIS EMAIL IN FULL AND PRINT IT FOR YOUR RECORDS Thank you for your order from us! Your hosting account has now been setup and this email contains all the information you will need in order to begin using your account. If you have requested a domain name during sign up, please keep in mind that your domain name will not be visible on the internet instantly. This process is called propagation and can take up to 48 hours. Until your domain has propagated, your website and email will not function, we have provided a temporary url which you may use to view your website and upload files in the meantime. To get your account password, please go to your dashboard and click on your service row, you will see your username, password and a direct login link. New Account Information Hosting Package: {package.name} Domain: {service.interworx_domain} Package Price: {pricing.price | numberformat 2, ".", ","} Package Period: {pricing.period} Cancellation Fee after 10 days of your first product with us: {pricing.cancel_fee | numberformat 2, ".", ","} Login Details Username: {service.interworx_email} Password: **** [Password Hidden for security reasons] Control Panel URL: http://{module.host_name}:2443/siteworx/ Once your domain has propogated, you may also use http://www.{service.interworx_domain}:2443/siteworx/ Temp domain: http://{module.host_name}/~{service.interworx_username} Server Information Server IP: {module.host_name} If you are using an existing domain with your new hosting account, you will need to update the nameservers to point to the nameservers listed below. {% for name_server in module.name_servers %} Name server: {name_server}{% endfor %} And once your domain has propagated you may use the details below: Webpage URL: http://{service.interworx_domain} Thank you for choosing CubicWebs. ======================================================= ======================================================= SolusVM Version ======================================================= Dear {client.first_name} {client.last_name}, PLEASE READ THIS EMAIL IN FULL AND PRINT IT FOR YOUR RECORDS Thank you for your order from us! Your virtual server has now been setup and this email contains all the information you will need in order to begin using your account. Package Information Hosting Package: {package.name} Plan name: {service.solusvm_plan} Virtualization: {service.solusvm_type} Package Price: {pricing.price} Package Period: {pricing.period} Cancellation Fee after 10 days of your first product with us: {pricing.cancel_fee} Server Information Hostname: {service.solusvm_hostname} Primary IP: {service.solusvm_main_ip_address} Root Password: {service.solusvm_password} (This will be blank if more than one service is on your account.) Console Information Control Panel: https://{module.host}:{module.port} Console Username: {service.solusvm_console_user} Console Password: {service.solusvm_console_password} {% if service.solusvm_type == "kvm" %} KVM Extras VNC IP address: {service.solusvm_vnc_ip} VNC Port: {service.solusvm_vnc_port} VNC Password: {service.solusvm_vnc_password} {% endif %} Thank you for choosing [Enter Company Name here]. PS: The If statement is a guess and might not work, please remove it if it doesn't and post here. It should show up only if the type is KVM.
    1 point
  5. Tyson

    Services Is Not Suspended

    You didn't mention any details on a service that should be suspended. What is it's due date? Is there an active unpaid invoice that the service belongs to? A pending service must be at least 24 hours old to be suspendable if you have the setting Suspend Services Days After Due set to "1 day". So if the cron runs on March 28, 2016 at 00:00 (midnight), then only services on or before March 27, 2016 00:00 could be suspended. If the service is due on March 27, 2016 00:01, it would not be suspended at that time.
    1 point
  6. Tyson

    Session Cart Events

    There are no event handlers for the Order plugin. Unless you defined your own event handlers for updating/removing from the cart, those methods you wrote would never be called.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Michael

    We Have Moved !

    Welcome to Blesta 3.0 after spending a lot of time on 2.5
    1 point
  9. Joseph H

    We Have Moved !

    Welcome aboard mate... you really took your time massive preparation. Congrats
    1 point
  10. blesbill

    Services Is Not Suspended

    Hi, I believe that the "Suspend Services Days After Due" set to 1 Day would effectively mean 1 day grace period to pay the invoice. In that case: Invoice due date : Mar 27, 2016 Grace period 1 day : Mar 28, 2016 Suspend Services Time is at 00:00 So, on the 29th 00:00, it should suspend the service. Thanks.
    1 point
  11. CORE-1686 will be in 4.0, which causes unpaid (and not past due) invoices to be voided when a service is cancelled. For auto cancellation, there is a plugin that already ships with 3.6 called Auto Cancel that can automatically schedule services for cancellation after a certain period of time. These will work together, meaning, services scheduled for cancellation with this plugin will have unpaid invoices voided (that are not past due) when cancelled.
    1 point
  12. CORE-1686 is set for 4.0 so should be in that version .
    1 point
  13. the two task is different , the first one for unpaid renewal service , the second for unpaid new orders . the task for OP request is here https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-1686 . the second task can be done via a custom plugin also .
    1 point
  14. i think you need just to empty the cache . use my plugin admin tools, or just update group staff permissions .
    1 point
  15. Hello Tyson . I know that blesta is not supporting this . but I ask if we can find a custom way via plugin to generate invoice and attach it to a service to be renewed when it be paid . The first obstacle I found . when invoice is created and not paid the related service is suspended in the due date . So I think blesta should think for a solution to let client renew their service before renew date . is a mymust ha e option In the domain market specially . Some client want to renew domains for x years in advance. And is boring we renew and generate invoice and changing renew date in service . 3 Taches for admins + ticket or email by client .
    1 point
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