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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/2016 in all areas

  1. Michael

    Timezone Incorrect Value

    Tyson mentioned somewhere Blesta 3.0 stores UCT times in the Database and calculates it on the software itself. See: CORE-1485
    2 points
  2. I just added this and wanted to share. I do not see any issues on our side and I did not do anything to modify the clients views. I looked at their view and it's acceptable as is for us. Blesta Version: 3.6.1 Warning: BACKUP your files and database first! If anyone has suggestions or sees something I did wrong, please let me know. Files to modify: plugins/support_manager/views/default/admin_tickets.pdt Add after Line 7: array('name'=>$this->("AdminTickets.index.category_on_hold", true) . " <span>(" . $this->Html->($status_count['on_hold'], true) . ")</span>", 'current'=>($this->Html->ifSet($status) == "on_hold" ? true : false), 'attributes'=>array('href'=>$this->base_uri . "plugin/support_manager/admin_tickets/index/on_hold/", 'class'=>"ajax")), plugins/support_manager/language/en_us/support_manager_tickets.php Add after Line 51: $lang['SupportManagerTickets.status.on_hold'] = "On Hold"; plugins/support_manager/language/en_us/admin_tickets.php Add after Line 27: $lang['AdminTickets.index.category_on_hold'] = "On Hold"; plugins/support_manager/models/support_manager_tickets.php Add after Line 266: where("support_tickets.status", "!=", "on_hold")-> Add after Line 1029: 'on_hold' => $this->_("SupportManagerTickets.status.on_hold"), plugins/support_manager/controllers/admin_tickets.php (adds the status count) Add after Line 90: 'on_hold' => $this->SupportManagerTickets->getStatusCount("on_hold", $this->staff_id), Add after Line 149: 'on_hold' => $this->SupportManagerTickets->getStatusCount("on_hold", $this->staff_id, $client->id), In your database, go to the support_tickets table and under structure, add the following to the Status column: 'on_hold' (I added it right before 'closed')
    1 point
  3. Hello, Does anyone miss the "delete" button in the invoice page? I think most of us firstly create invoices just to test if everything works correctly, when we change logo, we test that again to see how it looks like etc., and there is no ability to remove the invoices created just for testing purposes. Other most popular billing solutions (like WHMCS) offers this functionality and we were very happy with it.
    1 point
  4. CORE-1686 will be in 4.0, which causes unpaid (and not past due) invoices to be voided when a service is cancelled. For auto cancellation, there is a plugin that already ships with 3.6 called Auto Cancel that can automatically schedule services for cancellation after a certain period of time. These will work together, meaning, services scheduled for cancellation with this plugin will have unpaid invoices voided (that are not past due) when cancelled.
    1 point
  5. i think you need just to empty the cache . use my plugin admin tools, or just update group staff permissions .
    1 point
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