I just added this and wanted to share. I do not see any issues on our side and I did not do anything to modify the clients views. I looked at their view and it's acceptable as is for us.
Blesta Version: 3.6.1
Warning: BACKUP your files and database first!
If anyone has suggestions or sees something I did wrong, please let me know.
Files to modify:
Add after Line 7:
array('name'=>$this->("AdminTickets.index.category_on_hold", true) . " <span>(" . $this->Html->($status_count['on_hold'], true) . ")</span>", 'current'=>($this->Html->ifSet($status) == "on_hold" ? true : false), 'attributes'=>array('href'=>$this->base_uri . "plugin/support_manager/admin_tickets/index/on_hold/", 'class'=>"ajax")),
Add after Line 51:
$lang['SupportManagerTickets.status.on_hold'] = "On Hold";
Add after Line 27: $lang['AdminTickets.index.category_on_hold'] = "On Hold";
Add after Line 266:
where("support_tickets.status", "!=", "on_hold")->
Add after Line 1029:
'on_hold' => $this->_("SupportManagerTickets.status.on_hold"),
plugins/support_manager/controllers/admin_tickets.php (adds the status count)
Add after Line 90: 'on_hold' => $this->SupportManagerTickets->getStatusCount("on_hold", $this->staff_id),
Add after Line 149: 'on_hold' => $this->SupportManagerTickets->getStatusCount("on_hold", $this->staff_id, $client->id),
In your database, go to the support_tickets table and under structure, add the following to the Status column: 'on_hold' (I added it right before 'closed')