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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/2016 in Posts
Hello naja7host I Have a Plugin for that alredy made I have made for a blesta member some time ago to move from Universal Module to OpenSRS Module I was working on it to be able to move from any Module as easy as a Drop Down to choose from Give me until monday and I will try and release it here4 points
I was wondering if Blesta could have a backup code like Stripe and a few others, so if you loose your phone you can disable it. More like this: https://stripe.com/blog/two-step-verification unique.1 point
Hello blestars 16-03-2016 New Updated Blesta Android APP available on Google Play - Updated to latest Cordova for more security - Added more option - Added more color and animations - Added option to contact Blesta greatest developpers - Added option to contact Blesta best License Resellers New Screenshots Hope you like it == Old Updates == 21-09-2014 Finally an IOS (iPhone/iPad) version available IOS applications are more complex to deploy then Android For exemple, for Android Aplication you need an Android Developper licence that is only $25 USD and you can imidiatly deploy, for IOS(iPhone/iPad) you also need an developer licence, and it costs $99 USD per year, and its needs some complex steps to be able to deploy, like generating app profiles with an Cordova Certificate to deploy the final certificate and autorize some devices if you are deploying for Dev, or Public devices. After we submited for IOS developper, it took 1 week to aprove, after an real phon call from a Apple staff to confirm that Im a real company, after that was, pay the yearly license, and start the debuging to deploy the APP After 2 days and almost 12 hours of test/error, test/error lol we finally understand how to correctly deploy an IOS APP with Cordova 16-09-2014 New Updated version available for Android We have added new buttons and now you can easy acess to: Blesta main Website Blesta Blog Blesta Fóruns Blesta Twitter Billing Brawul User Manual Support Manual Developer Manual Core Tracker Some free time to "play" a litle with the new "toys" and we have build an APP to quick acess Blesta Website, Account and Foruns from a simple APP How to Install for IOS (iPhone/iPad) 1- Download the APP Blesta IOS APP here (Updated 21-09-2014) 2- Uncompress. 3- Open iTunes. 4- Select the Apps section on the left. 5- Drag your application to the applications list.. 6- Select your device in the left hand pane. 7- Select the Apps tab. 8- Make sure both the Sync checkbox and the application are selected. 9- Hit the apply button. 10- Your application should be installed on your device. How to Install for ANDROID 1- Download the APP on Android Store Blesta Android APP here (Updated 16-03-2016) Here is some Teasers screenshots from my Samsung Galaxy S4 in Portuguese language We alredy have build for IOS (iPhone/iPad) also, but we need more time to generate the certificate to sign the APP Hope you like it Regards, PV1 point
Yep, trial is the way to go to start. Just download and install and select 30-day free trial when asked to enter a license key. Download and installation docs at www.blesta.com (look for the button on the left). If you have any questions or need any help during the trial, please come back and ask!1 point
Add Filter For Services/transaction
PauloV reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
Hello All ... is nice to see a filter option in services widget and transaction widget . if we have a services list has a lot of pages , we need to fetch each page to search the services , the same for transaction . a search box in top to filter the service name/label can help a lot the staff .1 point -
1 point
Sorry I didnt explain correctly - Google Play Store Developper Licence it cost us 25€ (one time) - IOS Developper cost us 99€ Year - Windows Develloper Store Licence cost us 99€ (one time) We alredy have the licenses more than 2 years because our company have develop some APP's for some companies In my free time I developp for Blesta, and make some "quick" APP's just for fun to see how they work, and try to make as simple and trying to not use any SeverSide code Thanks for helping, I will think a way for you to help later on, for us the ServerSide is alredy done because we have it working on the company, only left the Plugin/API because the APP is "easy as pie"1 point
just wanted to say it doesn't cost annual for google play store for android as I have a dev account with google play as well and it didn't cost me anything after paying the $25 fee for "spam prevention" as I am told. Also I wouldn't mind working together with you on that as to be honest it shouldn't be that hard to make something like that.(server side I meant in php I don't know much of how to do the mobile app side though.) If you can get the client side working I can get the server side integration working1 point
[2Fa] Backup Code
PauloV reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
nice to add it , but in Loooong term .1 point -
Is It Possible To Use Other S3 Compatible Storage? For Backup?
Blesta Addons reacted to Paul for a question
If the API is the same and it's just a different URL, you may be able to manually modify that in the code. See /components/net/amazon_s3/ and /vendors/amazons3/1 point -
That is my next step, for now is only a small proof of concept My Ideia for now is: Build a Blesta Plugin called "Mobile APP" that will create an API to be able to connect with an Android/IOS/Windows APP There will be 2 APP's, one for Client and one for Staff Initially Im thinking to charge for it a small fee because it will use a server side for license check and also because Upgrades and Compability for new Mobile Phones/Tablets, and for listing on Android/Apple/Windows Store that have anual costs ==Blesta Mobile APP Plugin== - Your Mobile APP Company Logo - Your Mobile APP Background Color - Your Mobile APP Font Color - Your Mobile APP Main WebSite URL (its best to be Mobile Ready because it will be display on an Embebed Browser on the APP) - It will have a WYSIWYG editor for you to add content for the Entrace Page of your Blesta Client APP - It will have an option to send a "Notification" for all Mobile devices that have your APP installed (it will work like SMS's it will POP if the Mobile Device acepted to recive APP Notifications) == Blesta Client APP (It will be multi company ready witout any extra costs) == Once installed and connected it will auto retrive your logo, background color, font color, contacts and it will display you Entrance Content and left slider menu with 3 options: - Main Website (it will onpen inside the APP like an "Iframe") - Client Area (it will onpen inside the APP like an "Iframe") - Contacts (it will display company name, adress and phone) == Blesta Staff APP == Once installed and connected it will auto retrive your logo, background color, font color, and it will display your latest "Open Tickets", And how much money did you make "Today", how many "New Orders", and left slider menu with 1 option: - Admin (after the next Blesta Release 4.1 we will adapt an Admin Mobile Ready Template and will offer for free, for now it will embeb the Admin as it is) Later on we will add more functionality to the Plugin and APP's Like always, im open to sugesttions The "Blesta APP" is only for "Fun" making some tests using some frameworks and see it working1 point
Blesta.com Not A Valid Domain Name ? - According To Blesta
Blesta Addons reacted to Michael for a question
any chance that could be part of every module mate?1 point -
Blesta.com Not A Valid Domain Name ? - According To Blesta
Blesta Addons reacted to Tyson for a question
If you want to update the cPanel module again, same file as mentioned above, find and change this line: 'domain' => isset($vars['cpanel_domain']) ? $vars['cpanel_domain'] : null, to: 'domain' => isset($vars['cpanel_domain']) ? strtolower($vars['cpanel_domain']) : null, I think that would take care of it.1 point -
[Mobile APP] Blesta Mobile App - Android And Ios(Iphone/ipad)
Blesta Addons reacted to PauloV for a topic
New update available - Added Blesta Twitter Feed - Fixed Typo - Optimised Layout - Fixed Scrolling Issue - Changed Blesta Profile Links with some direct Post Links available witoutregistration - Changed Reseller (LicenseCart), profile link with the oficial LicenseCart website - Added Blesta Copywrite from "Phillips Data, Inc" Hope you like it Open to more sugesttions1 point -
Add Filter For Services/transaction
PauloV reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
that filter will work just with the loaded result or it will search for the rest of the pages ?1 point -
We will be adding a filter icon for most widgets in the window decoration (like the cog/gear icon) that will toggle a filter section above the table listing. I need to mock up the markup for this, it's one of the things on my list.1 point
Get Service Options Usign Api
Blesta Addons reacted to Tyson for a question
Call Services::get using the API to fetch the service by it's ID. The service fields are available from the "fields" object attached to the service. e.g. <?php require_once "blesta_api.php"; $user = "username"; $key = "key"; $url = "https://yourdomain.com/installpath/api/"; $api = new BlestaApi($url, $user, $key); $response = $api->get("services", "get", array('service_id' => 1)); print_r($response->response()); print_r($response->errors()); ?>1 point -
If you want I can make it work just PM me to send you a quote1 point