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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/2016 in Posts

  1. PauloV

    Next Eta For Update

    Im on the same "boat" as you and naja7host also, because we work with/in Europe If we could we do it on each "mind" way, but its great that each one thinks diferently, in global we will help to increse blesta functionality to helps us all in the way we want Lets get our hands "dirty" in April (hope not in day one lol), and start testing the new 4.0 @Paul/Tyson/Cody keep it up, no stress, one thing I personally hate is to "stress" me wen Im coding lol Blesta 4.0 will have to be released wen its ready and not wen we whould like to be ready
    3 points
  2. I'd been sitting on the clip of the presenter for the past three months and finally got around to editing it over the last week although it took slightly longer than i would've liked. You can check the video on my homepage here: https://selfhosted.uk Let me know what you think. And while you're there any feedback on the website is welcome although need to get round to finishing the Blesta integration but it works for the time being. Thanks
    1 point
  3. Thank you Tyson
    1 point
  4. If the API is the same and it's just a different URL, you may be able to manually modify that in the code. See /components/net/amazon_s3/ and /vendors/amazons3/
    1 point
  5. Paul

    [2Fa] Backup Code

    I definitely think it's a good suggestion, and yeah the forum isn't always the best metric.. but I'm considering tickets and emails, and phone calls, and it really hasn't come up. Definitely a nice to have, but I think if we set aside everything else to implement that now, some people would be upset we didn't spend our time on more highly requested items.
    1 point
  6. That is my next step, for now is only a small proof of concept My Ideia for now is: Build a Blesta Plugin called "Mobile APP" that will create an API to be able to connect with an Android/IOS/Windows APP There will be 2 APP's, one for Client and one for Staff Initially Im thinking to charge for it a small fee because it will use a server side for license check and also because Upgrades and Compability for new Mobile Phones/Tablets, and for listing on Android/Apple/Windows Store that have anual costs ==Blesta Mobile APP Plugin== - Your Mobile APP Company Logo - Your Mobile APP Background Color - Your Mobile APP Font Color - Your Mobile APP Main WebSite URL (its best to be Mobile Ready because it will be display on an Embebed Browser on the APP) - It will have a WYSIWYG editor for you to add content for the Entrace Page of your Blesta Client APP - It will have an option to send a "Notification" for all Mobile devices that have your APP installed (it will work like SMS's it will POP if the Mobile Device acepted to recive APP Notifications) == Blesta Client APP (It will be multi company ready witout any extra costs) == Once installed and connected it will auto retrive your logo, background color, font color, contacts and it will display you Entrance Content and left slider menu with 3 options: - Main Website (it will onpen inside the APP like an "Iframe") - Client Area (it will onpen inside the APP like an "Iframe") - Contacts (it will display company name, adress and phone) == Blesta Staff APP == Once installed and connected it will auto retrive your logo, background color, font color, and it will display your latest "Open Tickets", And how much money did you make "Today", how many "New Orders", and left slider menu with 1 option: - Admin (after the next Blesta Release 4.1 we will adapt an Admin Mobile Ready Template and will offer for free, for now it will embeb the Admin as it is) Later on we will add more functionality to the Plugin and APP's Like always, im open to sugesttions The "Blesta APP" is only for "Fun" making some tests using some frameworks and see it working
    1 point
  7. If you want to update the cPanel module again, same file as mentioned above, find and change this line: 'domain' => isset($vars['cpanel_domain']) ? $vars['cpanel_domain'] : null, to: 'domain' => isset($vars['cpanel_domain']) ? strtolower($vars['cpanel_domain']) : null, I think that would take care of it.
    1 point
  8. May I just say this is a great idea though it would be much more helpful if it allowed you to manage your own blesta install instead of just being a "wrapper" around the blesta.com sites.
    1 point
  9. a.daniello

    Next Eta For Update

    I'ld like to make a point about what we (as user) expect from next new major release, but i think that a forum is not a good place to communicate with developers and/or to submit issues. Personally, i lost the "pleasure" to sharing on this forum my opinions, suggestions, doubts, ... because i see that Blesta is going to a great direction, but this is not mine. We're european users and there are so many differences and needs between Blesta's market and our; i understand that Blesta devs think for their bigger market and i appreciate so much their attempts to come with our needs. In same way i think that Paul & co could share their programs, also if they are a small firm. And i would love to see, before next major release, an action to make order and update documentation and this (or better another) issues repository. Now i wait a response "Blesta works fine for me" or "All you want is in dev.blesta.com", but this is not what i try to say. Thanks and sorry for my tedious thought. Achille P.S.: sorry for my poor english
    1 point
  10. Blesta Addons

    Next Eta For Update

    they have a spent a lot of time in 4.0.0 Sprint 5, and after they should do Sprint 6 .... and maybe more . i don't think is the mass mailer ! version 4 is a major release , not just a core improvement, it also a minphp upgrade to use namespace , that can lead to rewrite/upgrade some files/plugins/modules . but from my point , i will not surprised if it arrive in Q3 the beta/final release 4.
    1 point
  11. Blesta Addons

    Icon On Navigation

    i have worked with it before , core Navigation links hasn't the icons , but th sublinks has . the icons are just set per plugins ... you need to change the navigation model to add the icons, and then change the structure file to make it display icons . as i heat change core files , i have arrived to a plugin that will be soon released has the options to do this , i need just to get final agreement with a client that i have coded the plugin for him .
    1 point
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