That is my next step, for now is only a small proof of concept
My Ideia for now is:
Build a Blesta Plugin called "Mobile APP" that will create an API to be able to connect with an Android/IOS/Windows APP
There will be 2 APP's, one for Client and one for Staff
Initially Im thinking to charge for it a small fee because it will use a server side for license check and also because Upgrades and Compability for new Mobile Phones/Tablets, and for listing on Android/Apple/Windows Store that have anual costs
==Blesta Mobile APP Plugin==
- Your Mobile APP Company Logo
- Your Mobile APP Background Color
- Your Mobile APP Font Color
- Your Mobile APP Main WebSite URL (its best to be Mobile Ready because it will be display on an Embebed Browser on the APP)
- It will have a WYSIWYG editor for you to add content for the Entrace Page of your Blesta Client APP
- It will have an option to send a "Notification" for all Mobile devices that have your APP installed (it will work like SMS's it will POP if the Mobile Device acepted to recive APP Notifications)
== Blesta Client APP (It will be multi company ready witout any extra costs) ==
Once installed and connected it will auto retrive your logo, background color, font color, contacts and it will display you Entrance Content and left slider menu with 3 options:
- Main Website (it will onpen inside the APP like an "Iframe")
- Client Area (it will onpen inside the APP like an "Iframe")
- Contacts (it will display company name, adress and phone)
== Blesta Staff APP ==
Once installed and connected it will auto retrive your logo, background color, font color, and it will display your latest "Open Tickets", And how much money did you make "Today", how many "New Orders", and left slider menu with 1 option:
- Admin (after the next Blesta Release 4.1 we will adapt an Admin Mobile Ready Template and will offer for free, for now it will embeb the Admin as it is)
Later on we will add more functionality to the Plugin and APP's
Like always, im open to sugesttions
The "Blesta APP" is only for "Fun" making some tests using some frameworks and see it working