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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/2016 in Posts

  1. nuv

    Chipped Text After Font Increase

    Thanks Mike. However, I just added the following code to my structure.pdt and that solved it. <style> .form-control { padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:0px; } </style>
    2 points
  2. Michael

    [2Fa] Backup Code

    I was wondering if Blesta could have a backup code like Stripe and a few others, so if you loose your phone you can disable it. More like this: https://stripe.com/blog/two-step-verification unique.
    1 point
  3. Hello blestars 16-03-2016 New Updated Blesta Android APP available on Google Play - Updated to latest Cordova for more security - Added more option - Added more color and animations - Added option to contact Blesta greatest developpers - Added option to contact Blesta best License Resellers New Screenshots Hope you like it == Old Updates == 21-09-2014 Finally an IOS (iPhone/iPad) version available IOS applications are more complex to deploy then Android For exemple, for Android Aplication you need an Android Developper licence that is only $25 USD and you can imidiatly deploy, for IOS(iPhone/iPad) you also need an developer licence, and it costs $99 USD per year, and its needs some complex steps to be able to deploy, like generating app profiles with an Cordova Certificate to deploy the final certificate and autorize some devices if you are deploying for Dev, or Public devices. After we submited for IOS developper, it took 1 week to aprove, after an real phon call from a Apple staff to confirm that Im a real company, after that was, pay the yearly license, and start the debuging to deploy the APP After 2 days and almost 12 hours of test/error, test/error lol we finally understand how to correctly deploy an IOS APP with Cordova 16-09-2014 New Updated version available for Android We have added new buttons and now you can easy acess to: Blesta main Website Blesta Blog Blesta Fóruns Blesta Twitter Billing Brawul User Manual Support Manual Developer Manual Core Tracker Some free time to "play" a litle with the new "toys" and we have build an APP to quick acess Blesta Website, Account and Foruns from a simple APP How to Install for IOS (iPhone/iPad) 1- Download the APP Blesta IOS APP here (Updated 21-09-2014) 2- Uncompress. 3- Open iTunes. 4- Select the Apps section on the left. 5- Drag your application to the applications list.. 6- Select your device in the left hand pane. 7- Select the Apps tab. 8- Make sure both the Sync checkbox and the application are selected. 9- Hit the apply button. 10- Your application should be installed on your device. How to Install for ANDROID 1- Download the APP on Android Store Blesta Android APP here (Updated 16-03-2016) Here is some Teasers screenshots from my Samsung Galaxy S4 in Portuguese language We alredy have build for IOS (iPhone/iPad) also, but we need more time to generate the certificate to sign the APP Hope you like it Regards, PV
    1 point
  4. we use this fix from naja:http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3093-logicboxes-module-domain-search-fails-from-mobile/#entry22291
    1 point
  5. Thank you as always Tyson. Wouldn't it be better to make it lower case ? How can I do that ?
    1 point
  6. That error is defined in a module. I assume cPanel is what you're using? You could update the regex that it is using to make it case-insensitive if you'd like, i.e., update /components/modules/cpanel/cpanel.php find: "/^([a-z0-9]|[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])(\.([a-z0-9]|[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]{0,61}[a-z0-9]))+$/" change to: "/^([a-z0-9]|[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])(\.([a-z0-9]|[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]{0,61}[a-z0-9]))+$/i" and try again. I'm not sure how cPanel will respond to the request for a domain with capital letters. It's possible they may reject it on their end, in which case you would need to make the domain lower case before sending.
    1 point
  7. Tyson

    Invoice "pay Now" Timing Out?

    I was suggesting testing the invoice templates because they can be sent manually via web as well as automatically via cron in CLI, which can be useful in determining whether there is a difference in the construction of the URL between the two methods, indicating a potential issue with the root web directory setting. Since the invoice templates construct the payment URL identically to the late notices, the same result should be expected for both templates when sent via cron. If you're positive that the payment URLs differ between the late notices and unpaid invoice templates when sent via cron, then there is some other issue causing it that is unexpected, such as custom code changes that reset the configured company's hostname at run-time. But that seems unlikely. In such a case, it may be simpler to programmatically debug the cron to determine where the difference is coming from. You mentioned that the incorrect URL is constructed as domain.com/clients/client/pay/... rather than domain.com/client/pay/... -- is Blesta installed in a /clients/ directory on the server? Is there a subdomain setup for Blesta? Are there rewrite rules defined in an .htaccess file to perform redirects related to Blesta? Is Blesta installed in a virtual directory (does the physical path to Blesta differ from the virtual path the web server uses)?
    1 point
  8. New update available - Added Blesta Twitter Feed - Fixed Typo - Optimised Layout - Fixed Scrolling Issue - Changed Blesta Profile Links with some direct Post Links available witoutregistration - Changed Reseller (LicenseCart), profile link with the oficial LicenseCart website - Added Blesta Copywrite from "Phillips Data, Inc" Hope you like it Open to more sugesttions
    1 point
  9. Paul

    [2Fa] Backup Code

    It's a good idea, but next to zero demand. Since this thread was created, there have maybe been a couple instances where people have asked how to disable 2FA because of a lost token. Maybe that means not enough people are using 2FA, I don't know.
    1 point
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