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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/2016 in all areas

  1. I'd been sitting on the clip of the presenter for the past three months and finally got around to editing it over the last week although it took slightly longer than i would've liked. You can check the video on my homepage here: https://selfhosted.uk Let me know what you think. And while you're there any feedback on the website is welcome although need to get round to finishing the Blesta integration but it works for the time being. Thanks
    1 point
  2. Hello, I would love to have an option to override "From email" and "From name" in the "Ticket Received" email notification according to the department that ticket has been opened with. At this moment, if you input "From name" as "Support" and "from email" as "support@example.com", then any ticket that is created in any department (be it sales or support) has the "from email" as "support@example.com" in its email notification. What I'd like is, if someone opens a sales ticket, he should get that email notification from sales@example.com and "Sales" (in from name) Please note - When ticket is replied to, "from email" gets overridden to the departments email. This doesn't happen for newly created tickets though, so I'm unsure if its a bug or no one worked on it. Also, an option to override "From name" would be good too. At the moment "From name" remains the same, be it new ticket email notification or ticket reply email notification. Thank you
    1 point
  3. Nice theme/template well arranged in term of pages/subpages ... good luck in the market .
    1 point
  4. Call Services::get using the API to fetch the service by it's ID. The service fields are available from the "fields" object attached to the service. e.g. <?php require_once "blesta_api.php"; $user = "username"; $key = "key"; $url = "https://yourdomain.com/installpath/api/"; $api = new BlestaApi($url, $user, $key); $response = $api->get("services", "get", array('service_id' => 1)); print_r($response->response()); print_r($response->errors()); ?>
    1 point
  5. Tags can be filtered as described in the H2o documentation. Unfortunately, the "date" filter for H2o only allows for you to format the date according to php's date function, which does not do timezone conversion. e.g. {ticket.date_added | date "M d, Y H:i:s A"} is "Feb 09, 2016 23:17:42 PM" UTC The timezone conversion is an additional step, so either a new tag would need to exist that displays the date in the appropriate timezone, or better yet, H2o would need to be extended to support a new filter for performing the timezone conversion. Only the tags shown on the Support Manager page documentation would be available. It's possible that a client may not be assigned to the ticket at all, if the ticket were emailed in, for instance. The plugin doesn't make additional queries to allow for these tags due to the performance hit it would incur. however, that may be a good feature request. The client, the contact that replied, the staff, and the department might be a good set of additional tags. The {ticket.code} is not necessarily a unique code, and it could be guessed. The {ticket_hash_code} does change per email, is unlikely to be guessed, and is used to determine the ticket the email is associated with.
    1 point
  6. kpmedia

    Next Eta For Update

    Just update the ETA. Communication is all customers want. (But eventually, yes, you need to deliver.) I'd like to be kept abreast of new developments myself. It's why I even bother coming to the forum.
    1 point
  7. Insecure Connection www.stacktron.net uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate is only valid for the following names: othio.com, www.othio.com The certificate expired on Friday, March 4, 2016 6:59 AM. The current time is Monday, March 14, 2016 7:23 PM. (Error code: ssl_error_bad_cert_domain) looks like wrong ssl configuration
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. I prefer the left one mate but both designs are awesome
    1 point
  11. Step 2: find clients
    1 point
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