i have used blesta from the first beta Since 2007 till now in the big brand i have , for other brands i use whm__ , the most wanted thing from my opinion is .
-the real mechanism of the hosting industry .
-bundled package for hosting .(free X package with Y term package selected, like the free domain ) .
-affiliate system (i have worked in it before but not completed) .
-less events for cores/plugins
-unique shopping cart , i have resolved this with my new hosting template order , i will offer it free .
-true Multi-languages , i have resolved 90% of this with a custom plugin , i will release it soon .
-Transaction Fees .
-Credit Notes for clients .
-true EU invoicing .
and some other small thing that we can live without it .
What blesta staff really need is not focus only in the core . it need to give the plugins/modules more time , because who will make blesta success is the modules/plugins not the core. what i can do with a solid core if don't have the plugin/module what i want . i know a lot of clients that has moved to blesta and then bck to the old billing system just of lock of plugins/modules .
also look at your status (PauloV) , you can't move now !!
i have already make a post about this in a old thread , and i have focused the dev of plugins/modules , specially modules .
i can adapt with the actual situation , but other who tested another system i'm sure they will see a lot of lock of the new system .