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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/2016 in Posts
Blesta W/ Google Apps = Barracudda Complaining Of Spf Softfail
Blesta Addons and one other reacted to Paul for a question
I looked up your licensed domain and ran a TXT DNS lookup on it. There are 2 SPF records, and the one that is set up to include _spf.google.com appears to be invalid. You should combine your records into a single, valid SPF record. I'm pretty certain this is the problem.2 points -
Not sure I looked at the source and there's a /member/ for the theme.css so I thought I'd try it and then it showed the page. I then clicked home and that worked too so was a bit puzzled but glad it works now2 points
Add Description Meta In The Structure.pdt
Blesta Addons reacted to activa for a topic
Hello is nice to add a description meta in the structure.pdt and allow plugins to set it via $this->structure->set("descriptoon","xxxxx"); this can help in google seo in some place like the order form , the support manager , and other custom plugin .1 point -
Add Description Meta In The Structure.pdt
Michael reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
a logical & well code version should be like <?php if($this->Html->ifSet($description_head, false)){ ?> <meta name="description" content="<?php echo $description_head; ?>" /> <?php } ?> but i prefer do it like this : <meta name="description" content="<?php echo $this->Html->ifSet($description_head,"your description about company"); ?>" /> so if no description are set it show a default description about your company for example .1 point -
Add Description Meta In The Structure.pdt
Michael reacted to Blesta Addons for a topic
good addition . your implementation is a nice solution . what if you have a cms (let say your cms ) and you have 100 posts/pages , you should do 99 IF statement in the structure ?!! or if you have multi-languages the page title will change no ? a sample solution that didn't need any change in the tructure.pdt is to add the description via the custom_head like $this->structure->set("custom_head",'<meta name="description" content="Description goes here" />'); this will inject the meta in the header , this will have only obstacle if you are using some advanced coding that nee injecting css js, multi meta from different function . another professional solution is to add your custom header var , in structure.pdf , under the title tag . <title><?php echo $this->Html->safe(($this->Html->ifSet($page_title) ? $page_title . " | " : "") . $this->Html->ifSet($system_company->name));?></title> add this line <meta name="description" content="<?php echo $this->Html->ifSet($description_head); ?>" /> in your plugin or any page add this line $this->structure->set("description_head", "here add your description or any var fetched from database "); i have used a similar solution but is advanced rules in my custom multi-languages CMS .1 point -
The module row is not changed for the service because this could cause other problems in many cases. What module are you referring to? If your module has two module rows, and you have both module rows assigned to a single module group, then you should have an option under the Service Information section when you edit the service to select which module row to set on the service. The Reassign Pricing plugin will also update the module row when making a manual change to service pricing.1 point
0.34999999403954 to be exact! If I don't get on soon to buy, I'll pm you. Or you can send me a unbranded license, and a nice free theme, and I'll snail mail you a check for $5 USD! Doesn't that sound good? Thanks, support around here is really good. Ed1 point
Can you check your IP for me please: http://getipintel.net/index.php#web if it's over 0.89 that's why. Feel free to skype me or pm me if needed PS: I checked the one on the forum and that's a 0.39 score so that should have allowed you past.1 point
I'm not sure what you mean. If you buy a theme on the net it's mostly a layout you integrate it to Blesta. So the header and footer match your website. You can use just the header and footer integration as your blesta theme on it's own. Or you can use a custom Portal / CMS from editing the cms plugin, using the free Admin tools from Naja7Host or our paid one-time BlestaCMS. With either one you can make custom pages and make Blesta your website: https://licensecart.com is fully Blesta from every page, https://licensecart.com/porfolio Modern Integrations are also fully Blesta.1 point
Is your SPF record permissive for Google's SMTP server? This has nothing to do with Blesta and everything to do with your SPF record by the looks of it. Google's servers need to be permitted to send. We have a Barracuda spam appliance and don't have any trouble. We also use SMTP, but not through Google.1 point
Was in battle for hours on that & even restarted from whole server backup and nothing was solving it. Thank you, I could sleep Tonight :-)1 point
not done any blesta upgrade since very longtime....and not having more than one javascript version. by the way this worked fine :-) and even stay stable after if I clear my internet browser cache & go direct at home page: Edit 2: https://siteshop.ph/member/'>https://siteshop.ph/member/ and then clicking home to https://siteshop.ph works fine. How did you find this dam good idea? It's like I maybe had wrong result cached, being very persistent on my server and your tip, "cleared" it.1 point
some security application are sometime wrong because, example --------- your mail box is : me@mydomain.com but your mail-server hostname is : mymailserver.com -------- but some security application do not accept an email send by mydomain.com, what ever your SPF, DKIM , DNS record are well set Or you need to make the mail-server network include IP(s) of your Blesta and IP(of you mail box hostname), on postfix it's in the config, but since you use google service mail-server, I suspect you will not be able to set it (it's not a dns record)1 point
Have you upgraded Blesta and forgot about the structure.pdt or have you got two Javascript versions on the structure? Edit: Looked at your site and Safari is saying it can't load any CSS files or JS files? Eg: http://siteshop[<.>]ph/app/views/client/siteshop/css/bootstrap.min.css has a 502 error. Edit 2: https://siteshop.ph/member/ and then clicking home to https://siteshop.ph works fine.1 point
Add Description Meta In The Structure.pdt
Blesta Addons reacted to Michael for a topic
That's down to the plugins to do... I'm hoping to get that done in my plugin soon which at the moment I do that anyway with if statements. <?php if( $page_title == "Welcome" ){ ?> <meta name="description" content="Licensecart, sells high quality licenses at affordable prices."> <meta name="keywords" content="Blesta,InterWorx,SolusVM,LiteSpeed,R1Soft,Softaculous,Licence,License,Licensecart"> <?php }elseif( $page_title == 'Blesta' ){ ?> <meta name="description" content="Licensecart, sells licenses for the high quality billing system Blesta."> <meta name="keywords" content="Blesta,billing system,whmcs,clientexec,whsuite,high quality,license,licensecart.com"> <?php }elseif( $page_title == 'Our Customers' ){ ?> <meta name="description" content="Licensecart's showcases some of our customers."> <meta name="keywords" content="customers,customer,businesses,companies,high quality,license,licensecart.com"> <?php }elseif( $page_title == 'Portfolio' ){ ?> <meta name="description" content="Licensecart's integration portfolio showcases some of our Blesta integrations we've done for some customers."> <meta name="keywords" content="Blesta,integrations,integration,portfolio,showcase,billing system,licensecart.com"> <?php }elseif( $page_title == 'InterWorx' ){ ?> <meta name="description" content="Licensecart, sells licenses for the high quality control panel InterWorx."> <meta name="keywords" content="InterWorx,control panel,cPanel,directadmin,plesk,high quality,license,licensecart.com"> <?php } [...] ?>1 point