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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/2016 in Posts

  1. Nice work guys, it's so good to be here watching this great product get better and better. I actually use Blesta exclusively, but I look forward to the day when others switch over and I can say I've been using it since the start. Keep up the good work!
    2 points
  2. hi there, I am trying to add pop emails for each department. The PHP Mailparse PECL extension is required for parsing email tickets.
    1 point
  3. Paul


    They are the same company yes. We are planning development on an EVO Snap gateway that will not require Authorize.net and get you out of the $10/mo fee. I don't have an ETA on that. As far as I knew they were based out of Portland Maine, but I do see the Denver address on evosnap.com.. they are a large company so I wouldn't be surprised if they have multiple locations.
    1 point
  4. Paul


    I agree with you 100% on Bluepay, and I'm told they cannot process for hosting providers either. They will refer you to one of their partners. Apparently Wells Fargo Bank is responsible, and processors that partner with Wells Fargo are rejecting hosting providers. e-onlinedata / EVO will take care of you. If you do sign up and have any trouble let me know and I'll reach out to them personally. The have been a pleasure to work with.
    1 point
  5. This issue is fixed in CORE-2102 for v4.0.0 of Blesta.
    1 point
  6. You shouldn't be receiving the errors you're receiving when visiting pages. I suggest uninstalling the support manager, deleting the entire plugin files from under /plugins/support_manager/ and re-uploading it from the distribution zip. If you have a 3rd party support plugin installed, uninstall that as well before installing the official one. You may have these competing with each other.
    1 point
  7. pecl install mailparse Or if you have a control panel like Mike mentioned, you can usually install it via the panel
    1 point
  8. Thanks for helping To fix it just open the file /plugins/support_managerpro/support_managerpro_plugin.php Find on line 1233: if ($params['portal'] == "client") Replace with: if ($params['portal'] == "client" && $this->client) I Will add the fix on the next update Regards, PV
    1 point
  9. Hey Guys, on the client portal side I am getting admin only JS and it is causing my page to reload over and over again Happens when not signed in, I have added a support link on my client pages - and when I remove that the refresh stops but the javascript is still present. The JS in the bottom is <!-- display admin ticket count menu badge--> <script> jQuery(function($){ if( $("a[href=/portal/plugin/support_managerpro/client_main/]").length ) { $( document ).ready(function() { $.get( '/admin/plugin/support_managerpro/client_tickets_count/', function(newRowCount){ $("a[href=/portal/plugin/support_managerpro/client_main/]").html( newRowCount.trim() ); }); }); setInterval(function(){ $.get( '/admin/plugin/support_managerpro/client_tickets_count/', function(newRowCount){ $("a[href=/portal/plugin/support_managerpro/client_main/]").html( newRowCount.trim() ); }); },5000); } }); </script> <!-- end display admin ticket count menu badge-->
    1 point
  10. when i finish , i will upload more screenshoot .
    1 point
  11. Hello All . Celebrating 1 year from the first release . i have changed the HTML output to match the blesta theme . so the html will be shown inside the blesta client area . you can check exemple in my first post .
    1 point
  12. from what i have see in this plugin , is not hard to do it . maybe someday i code it and freely
    1 point
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